tweetable teamwork quotes

Tweetable Teamwork: 7 Short but Powerful Teamwork Quotes

Supercharge your teamwork with these powerful teamwork quotes! Teamwork is God’s idea, and people simply don’t function well in isolation. The need for others is a theme that runs throughout Scripture:

  • God creates Eve so that Adam won’t be alone.
  • Jesus handpicks His disciples.
  • And the Apostle Paul encourages believers to not forsake their fellowship.

But teaming up isn’t always easy. People are messy, and as a result, teamwork involves two dangers.

  • First, there is the danger of vulnerability. Teamwork requires that we allow others into our messy lives.
  • Second, there is the danger of inviting others (with messes of their own) to do life with us.

A Year of Teamwork

This is my year of teamwork. Slowly but surely, I’m learning to share my life with others while simultaneously discovering how to encourage those around me.

It’s both a learning experience and a balancing act. But this is nothing new. Acts 15:39 describes a disagreement between Barnabus and Paul that became so heated, the two parted ways. The argument was over a young man named John-Mark–the same man who would eventually write the Gospel of Mark. Barnabas wanted to take Mark with them, and Paul did not. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. Later in his life, Paul asks for Mark to join him, stating that Mark is useful in the ministry (2 Timothy 4:11). Apparent, the two had resolved their issues and were able to team-up once again.

Learning to partner with others is a process. Teamwork comes with a learning curve. So, if you find yourself discouraged or thinking, “I’ve tried teamwork in the past, and it didn’t work,” don’t give up. Instead, understand that teamwork is a skill that is refined with practice. Below are ten of my favorite tweetable teamwork quotes to keep you motivated on your own teamwork journey!

Tweetable Teamwork Quotes

None of us is as smart as all of us. -Ken Blanchard Share on X Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. ~Michael Jordan Share on X It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares about who gets the credit. ~Robert Yates Share on X Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ~Helen Keller Share on X The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side. ~Margaret Carthy Share on X Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds. ~ SEAL Team saying Share on X Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. ~Ecclesiastes 4:9 Share on X

What tweetable teamwork quotes would you add to this list, and how are you staying motivated on your own teamwork journey? I look forward to continuing the discussion in the comments below.

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

16 thoughts on “Tweetable Teamwork: 7 Short but Powerful Teamwork Quotes”

  1. It can be so hard to work together as a team, because as you said you get involved with what people have going on in their lives. I think this is what fellowship is for though, is that we do get to know one another so we know how to pray for that person. Thanks for hosting and hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂

    1. Absolutely! Jenny and I have seen the prayers of our blogging and writing friends, make a huge difference in the life of our family, over the past month. We sure appreciate you, and all of the encouragement along the way. Wishing you a wonderful week as well.

  2. I couldn’t agree more with you. Teamwork is God’s idea since the beginning of the creation, and yet it is not easy to do. Only to have One God, one desire and one heart to do the work then we can do it in unity and harmony align with His plans.

    Thanks again sharing the wisdom, Jed!

  3. Great list of quotes to tweet. Teamwork is so much better. We maybe able to do great things on our own but having the collaboration and ideas from others can be so great. They may bring to the table a new set of ideas we never thought of. It always has to start with a group that is willing to collaborate. I have been on “teams” that don’t care what others bring. I would say they have had such limited success . Thank you for hosting.

    1. Hey Jamie,

      That is such an excellent point. Simply being on a team is not enough. Everyone has to care about one another, and be moving in the same direction, for lasting value to take place. Thanks for adding this in.

  4. What a wonderful post on teamwork! I love all of the great quotes that you’ve shared, but I think my favorite is the verse from Ecclesiastes 4. Thank you so much for sharing and hosting! GOD bless you, my friend! 🙂

  5. I just found your blog and link up party on “WordofGod link-up. I love all your quotes on leadership – so great! Plus I completely agree with you – we need teamwork, and God designed us for teamwork! Blessings on your weekend.

    1. Hey Debbie,

      I’m glad you stopped by and are enjoying the site. The link-up is something new that I’m trying out this year. I’ll be hosting one every Friday, and it would be great to have you join us again 🙂

  6. Hi Jen, I don’t believe we’ve ever run into one another before. 🙂 Nice to “meet” you. I’m your neighbor today at the Intentional Tuesday linkup. Great thoughts on teamwork. Love the quotes. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. ((blessings))

  7. This is so very relevant to me as I embark on a new project that I simply can’t do alone. Teamwork scares me for the very reasons you outline! This is so true! “there is the danger of vulnerability. Teamwork requires that we allow others into our messy lives.” But God’s calling me to overcome my tendency to do it all by myself..this is such a wonderful encouragement today!! I love how you pointed out the scriptural passages that focus on teamwork..I’ll be thinking about this surely to fuel my faith as I step out! Visiting today from #IntentionalTuesday!

  8. I’m visiting from the “Together on Tuesdays” Blog Hop & this is my first time linking up to your fun Linky.
    Thanks so much!

    1. Hey Angie,

      Thanks for stopping by and joining in. It’s great to connect and we’d love to have you join us again next Friday. Wishing you an incredible week!

  9. Hi Jed, great you have a linkup too! Just seeing this, I think!!!
    How are you and Jen?
    Not sure I have said Happy New year either??
    Happy New Year and Many Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Hey Ifeoma,

      Yes, the link-up is something new that we are trying out this year. It’s been a blast so far. Jenny and I are busier than ever, but very blessed over all. It’s been awesome to have the prayers and encouragement of so many people. Jenny’s daycare business has picked up in the past month, and we are learning to tackle the new challenges we are facing, one by one.

      We are also having a great time making so many new friends and connections. How about you? We’d enjoy hearing what’s new in your world, and how we can best pray for and be an encouragement to you. Wishing you an incredible new year as well!

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