inspiring others, teamwork

Inspiring Others by Finding Your “Teamwork Why”

What’s your teamwork why?

Wise leaders know that inspiring others is a must. 2016 is my year of teamwork. I chose teamwork, as my theme after our family ran into challenges that were too big to face on our own. I’ve often written about my reluctance to share my story. Our blended family journey is an ongoing roller-coaster. There are parts that I would rather keep to myself. However, at the end of 2015, everything changed. In a matter of five minutes (possibly less) a California Family Court judge turned our family’s world up-side-down. Suddenly, I knew that our journey was too big to travel alone.

The prayers, encouragement, and creativity of others were no longer a want–they became a daily need. If you’re new to this site, you can read two of the most honest posts that I have written–detailing our latest adventures and challenges–here. My goal in sharing them is to inspire positive change in our family court system and to team up with others to make this world a better, safer place for children, families, and blended families.

Inspiring Others with “Why”

I write and blog because I long to make this world a better place. I desire to support parents in transforming their families and blended families into joyful, loving, and peaceable homes. Finally, I team-up with others because this task is far too big to accomplish on my own. 

None of us is as smart as all of us. -Ken Blanchard

As Ken Blanchard so eloquently states, no one of us is as smart, good, or productive as all of us working together. The bottom line is, I team-up with others because I have a massive goal that I believe in!

Finding Your Teamwork Why

But this isn’t the only reason people blog and team-up. There are plenty of other excellent answers to the question “Why?” In his book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, author Simon Sinek describes how great leads don’t simply take action, they are good inspiring others.

Knowing why we do what we do, keeps us pressing forward when the road gets rocky.

Having a mission and sharing is often, is one way of inspiring others to get on-board. And teaming-up has many advantages. Teams are:

  • Powerful,
  • Effective,
  • Excellent problem-solvers.
  • A place for generating creative ideas.
  • Able to uphold one another in prayer.
  • A whole lot of fun.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to team-up in 2016. What is your teamwork “why,” and how are you inspiring others with it? I’d love to continue this discussion in the comments below. And, while your there, feel free to share your “why,” for blogging too. I’m thrilled to team up with you in 2016!

happy holidays

P.S. For more creative writing ideas, be sure to visit our writing resources page. I pull back the curtain and show you all of my favorite writing resources. You can also check out my book Ten Great Ideas for Authors, where you will discover creative writing prompts and strategies to jump-start your author journey. I truly believe you are only one great idea away from writing success!  

Check Out These Posts For More Great Teamwork Ideas

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Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

32 thoughts on “Inspiring Others by Finding Your “Teamwork Why””

  1. I’m adding my prayers to those praying for you and your family. I feel so many of our laws are like the ones you are currently trying to navigate. Their’ initial intent was good, but the sidebar implications cause a host of unforeseen problems for waaaay to many others. Thank you for sharing your story. I know your encouragement will strengthen others facing similar battles. Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Thanks Deb,

      We sure appreciate your prayers, and agree. There was a good intent, that has unfortunately turned into chaos. Our family is most certainly not in support of the elimination of child support. Rather, we hope that these laws will be re-examined, and updated, so that the best interest of the children becomes a primary focus, and that real people get to examine the details of each, individual situation. We are excited and hopeful about the bright future for kids and families, that these changes could create.

      Thanks for teaming-up with us, and sharing in the link-up too. I love your writing and insights!

  2. Hi Jed, first I would like to thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving an encouraging comment. So glad you did! Found out about you and your family journey and thank you for sharing about the “why” behind your post today. Team work is powerful indeed to accomplish and finish something God has given to us that meant to be done together, not alone.
    We are missionary in preparation to go and a team we need to serve. It is not a “my ministry” anymore.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Hey Helen,

      Thanks for joining in the conversation. It’s awesome to hear how you are teaming up to share Christ’s love with others. I’d love to hear more about the missions work you are doing. My sister is planning to leave with a team to India, to open up a discipleship school later this year, so I know just how exciting and important missionary work can be. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers!

  3. We do need teamwork to assist the family in our current culture. I read your post about the legal troubles and have offered a prayer for your family. I have a deep concern for families–our government seems to be losing a vision for healthy families.

    1. Hey Carol,

      Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. This week, Jenny and I truly have seen the power of prayer, and God at work. I’m sure that there will continue to be a long road ahead, but watching new doors begin to open, has been awesome. And although our situation is frustrating–and scary at times–we are becoming more and more excited about helping to restore a balanced and healthy vision for families, both in and outside of the government systems.

  4. I’ve never been able to work in a vacuum – people, especially fellow believers, are crucial to me. I think often of those nature documentaries, and how predators seek out their prey. Quite often they look for the weak ones, the stragglers, the ones they can separate from the herd. Isn’t this just what our enemy does? When we’re out of fellowship, we become prey to his lies, his temptations, his wily ways. No thank you.

    I began blogging because I just had to find an outlet for my writing. In the past 5 1/2 years, I have found that not only has God blessed me with writing His words, but He’s also shown me a wonderfully supportive community in Blog Land. I have forged real friendships, and it’s such a blessing to join others in the journey of faith. To that end, I also believe that blogging is also about getting out there and encouraging others.

    Such a pleasure to be part of the *conversation* – and prayers for your situation. Life can be so difficult sometimes…

    But God is bigger.


    1. Thanks Sharon,

      I agree, the blogging communities I have discovered on this writing journey have been a very pleasant and unexpected surprise. Right now, our family is in a place where we know that God is bigger, and it still helps to be reminded of this often. It has been absolutely amazing to see how God is pulling us through, growing us closer together, and opening new doors, as we trust in Him. Thank you for the words of encouragement!

  5. Hey Jed,

    My teamwork why is to build a tribe of people who want to live to thrive in their faith, relationships and work. Communities of thriving people are an antidote to the rise of suffering, oppression, and complacency in our world. Let’s live to thrive!

    Thanks for doing the Friday link-up. It’s a great way to meet new bloggers.

    1. What a great “why,” and it’s an honor to be a part of your tribe. I’m excited about following, growing, and teaming-up, in the years ahead!

  6. Happy New Year to you Jed! Thanks for joining us at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy! I love what you’re doing here and look forward to being a part of your team! 🙂

    P.S. I read your story and your family is in my prayers.

    1. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers, and for what you do at Friendship Friday. It’s awesome to be able to connect, share, and team-up with you guys!

  7. The timing of this cannot be much better Jed. I started my blog with the idea of “inspiring and saving the world with stories of God’s glory.” My intent was to make none of it about Chad and all about God. Several false starts and misfires later, I had to have some serious discussions with God and others… because nothing was working. It was frustrating because I had been a successful blogger in other topics many times and for many years before that. I came to understand that the vision where I thought God was leading it was askew. I was heading toward a “Chicken Soup for the Soul” direction when it should have been more along the lines of “Think and Grow Rich” or “7 Habits” … all due respect to Chicken Soup, but 1Glories was meant to be more than inspirational stories. We are supposed to build one another up. And we are to seek personal development of our own. All the while, we should strive to partner with God as we do it. So 1Glories has evolved to a goal of “Refining life, on purpose.” How are we doing that in 2016? For starters, we are going to be listening up. I recently released a book called “Listen Up, Kids: Foolish Dreams, Syncing with God, & Running to Win.” It began as a personal letter to my three daughters and grew into a book of life lessons and personal wisdom gained from them. I identify twelve specific lessons in the narrative. Pondering that, I have chosen to embark on a quest I call “A Year of Listening Up” where we’ll explore each of the twelve for a full month (every monday). The book isn’t required, but it will help. To encourage as many as possible to join in, I have made it free for Kindle this weekend. Click the link at the end of this cooment to read more about the quest and to get a link to the book. Blessing and thanks Jed.

    1. Chad,

      This is really good stuff. I didn’t know that you had blogged on other topics as well. I love your site, and think that this pivot in direction is awesome–I’m excited to see what happens in your, Year of Listening Up. I’ll be actively following along. I’m noticing that my own blogging–including the topics I write on–are developing over time. Writing about blended families and teamwork, was never in my initial plan. Yet, both of these topics have become an important part of this site. I think that God shapes and refines us on the journey–I know it’s continuing to happen in my own writing story.

      Congrats again on hitting the #1 spot with LUK–that is awesome, and no small feat! I’ll have to connect with you before I release my next book. I’ve manage to get the #2 spot a number of times, but have never been able to make that final leap.

  8. I agree with your emphasis on seeking to do things as a team, Jed. I want to work more on that in my marriage, since both my husband and I are independent to a fault. It’s a struggle sometimes to be on “the same team.” Thanks for the linkup and more importantly for this great reminder as well as cheering us on!

    1. Your very welcome. And I love all of the resources and wisdom you have four couples over at your site. Jenny and I are going to enjoy teaming-up with you, by following along and getting new insights into our own relationship growth this year.

  9. My thoughts turn to “it takes a village”. Really, when life throws us curve balls, or even when we think we can walk on our own, we were never meant to. Inviting others into our lives not only builds us up and encourages our hearts, but gives them the opportunity to be a bless. I am keeping your family in my prayers. I cannot image having to navigate all of what you are dealing with.

  10. Hello! Thank you for sharing with my No Rules Weekend Blog Party..I’m glad you like the name 🙂
    I may have a post ready tomorrow to share with your party. It is about beginning my journey as a single mom.
    So I may be back! If I hit “publish” on my post lol. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Paula,

      It would be great to have you join in. And if you miss it, a new link-up opens every Friday. I’m looking forward to connecting and teaming up often this year!

  11. Jed, I love that you’re focusing on teamwork. That’s a very beautiful thing. The saying “Teamwork makes the dream work” is so cliche’, but also very true in a lot of ways. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I pray love, peace, and the joy of THE LORD over you and your family. GOD bless you, my friend! 🙂

    1. Thanks Tai,

      It may be a cliche’, but it’s a good one. The prayers and encouraging words of others, have been making an enormous difference for our family. Jenny’s new day-care is filling up quickly, and although we know there is still a long road ahead, it is awesome to see how God is already working in our family, on this new adventure. Thank you again for the prayers and words of encouragement.

  12. Teamwork is a great privilege of being in the Kingdom. We don’t ever have to go it alone. Thanks for the reminder to reach out, not only to help others, but also for when I need help myself.

  13. I liked how you incorporated Ken Blanchard’s quote about smarter together than individually and Simon Sinek “Start with Why.” I watched Simon’s TedTalk and really enjoyed listening to him and the ideas he presented. I need to read his book. Where I think this comes together and another great book to read and I believe it is on the Top 10 of recommended books by CEO’s is Good to Great. Collin’s discusses a lot about getting the right people on the bus. Much of this is “Starting with Why” and telling your vision and purpose. Then the right people will jump on board and together you can allow them to help you drive the bus in the right direction. Good stuff here.

  14. This post is spot on for me. I’m more of a loner( due to my introverted tendencies and perfectionism) and so I rarely go to people or work with people (sometimes I feel they may not do the work the way I want it done). But I’m launching my business and probably getting married this year. I know I need some teamwork lessons, so I’ve been reading some books on teamwork. I’ll also need to learn from your 2016 focus.
    Great insights Jed, thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Grace,
      Congrats on the upcoming marriage and the new business–that’s awesome! Thanks for joining in the link-up too. We’ll be hosting one every Friday, and hope to see you back again.

  15. I began blogging as a way to document our homeschool activities, and over time God has just placed a calling on me to encourage others. It was so cool to hear the reason behind you blogging. Praying for you and your family. Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

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