Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

Toxic Communication Habits

Are Toxic Communication Habits Poisoning Your Relationship?

Toxins are everywhere—from the itch of a mosquito bite to the swelling of a rash from poison ivy. In some cases, toxins cause momentary irritation. In other cases—such as with a malaria-infested mosquito bite—the wound becomes deadly. This is also true in relationships. Most couples engage in toxic communication sometimes. For some couples, the toxins […]

Are Toxic Communication Habits Poisoning Your Relationship? Read More »

Warning Signs of Bad Communication in a Relationship

10 Warning Signs of Bad Communication in a Relationship

Bad communication is a recipe for misery. Being on the receiving poor communication is confusing at best. And it’s emotionally painful at worst. Communicating poorly is a recipe for disaster because it decreases your chances of being heard. Worse yet is when both partners lack healthy communication skills. This creates a perfect storm. In this

10 Warning Signs of Bad Communication in a Relationship Read More »