blogging hacks

How to Blog Consistently: 7 Blogging Hacks For Getting Unstuck

Creating fresh, engaging content, week after week, is every blogger’s challenge. Here are seven blogging hacks for getting unstuck during those days when writing is difficult. Try them out next time writer’s blog sets in, and turn the dreaded white screen on your computer into your next blogging masterpiece.

7 Blogging Hacks For Regaining Momentum

Blogging Hack #1: Start Early.

Morning is a writer’s best friend. As a husband and daddy, there is one thing I know for sure. Making time to write never gets easier as the day progresses. I’ve heard stories of professional writers who got started by waking up an hour or two earlier to write. However, I rarely hear success stories about writers who stay up late getting the job done. By starting early, you are:

  • Making writing a priority.
  • Not allowing the hustle and bustle of life, and the crises of the day, to creep into your blogging time.
  • Freeing yourself from the pressure to write for the rest of the day. This keeps blogging fun!

Writing early and enjoying the rest of the day is a great way to find balance. It’s far better than stressing over what you are going to write and then scrambling to get the project done before turning out the lights. So put this simple blogging hack into practice by setting aside a regular time in the morning to write.

Blogging Hack #2: Sleep on it.

Our subconscious mind is amazing. Although I’m not a huge fan of the book The Secret–as it over-promises and under-delivers–the key idea of focusing on what we want works. Of course, the universe is not a genie waiting to deliver our every desire, as the book implies. Nevertheless, I do believe that our God-given minds are powerful tools. If we focus on what we plan to write about before going to bed, the jumbled conglomeration of ideas will begin to form together overnight.

Most of us know what it is like to step away from a problem frustrated, only to stumble on to the solution the next day. That’s the power of our subconscious mind at work. [Tweet “The next time your writing hit’s a wall, try sleeping on it.”] Chances are, you’ll be surprised at how well the ideas smooth out while you dream.

Blogging Hack #3: Start.

Getting started is the most difficult part of writing. Yet, the more we write, the easier the words flow. [Tweet “When it comes to blogging, doing something is always better than doing nothing. Pick a topic, and force yourself to write.”]  Next time you feel stuck, write anyways. You might even surprise yourself with how much you have to say!

Blogging Hack #4: Squash the A.N.T’s.

A.N.T.’s is an acronym for Automatic Negative Thoughts. Ants are pesky creatures that creep into our homes. Similarly, A.N.T’s are intrusive pests that wreak havoc in our minds. Examples of automatic negative thoughts include ideas like:

  • This post isn’t good enough.
  • I just can’t write today.
  • No one is going to like what I have to say.

This negativity is helpful. Instead, increase your awareness of the stinking thinking that keeps you from writing. Then, squash the A.N.T.’s, and keep pressing forward. There have been times when a post I was disappointed in turned out to be a reader favorite. [Tweet “Don’t deprive your readers of your best work by letting negativity invade your mind.”] Squash A.N.T.’s quickly and keep writing.

Blogging Hack #5: Commit to a schedule and stick with it. 

Decide on your blogging schedule and stick with it. Blog, post, and repeat.

  • Short posts are fine.
  • Simple reminders are perfectly OK too.
  • Personal stories are always a hit.

Mix up your writing style and expand your topics, but whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to stop writing. Know that some days the writing will flow easily. On other days, it will feel like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall–it’s messy and takes a lot of effort for minimal results. This is normal. Push through the challenges, commit to a consistent schedule, and at the end of the year, you’ll be amazed at what you have accomplished.

Blogging Hack #6: Team up with others.

If you are blogging in isolation, then you are working harder and not smarter. 2016 is our year of teamwork. Jenny and I are discovering that the more we connect with others, the easier the writing becomes. Mini-brainstorming sessions, finding inspiration for new posts by reading the thoughts of others, and addressing common challenges others share in casual conversations, are excellent ways of using teamwork to get unstuck. [Tweet “Find a blogging partner, cheer each other on, and watch the writing flow!”]

Blogging Hack #7: Keep a journal of writing prompts and catchy blog titles.

Evernote has become my favorite place to jot down new ideas. The phone app makes it easy to record topics for future posts, on the go. When I get stuck, I force myself to choose an idea from my list and start writing.

Have any of these ideas worked well for you? What blogging hacks do you use to get unstuck when writing is difficult? I look forward to continuing the conversation in the comments below!

For more writing ideas, be sure to visit our writing resources page. I pull back the curtain and show you all of my favorite writing resources. You can also check out my book Ten Great Ideas for Authors, where you will discover creative writing prompts and strategies to jump-start your author journey. I truly believe you are only one great idea away from writing success!  

This link-up is an excellent place to meet new friends, network, and share your posts. Please feel free to include any family, friendship, and faith-related posts. If you have time, please visit some of the other submissions, leave a comment, and make some new connections–after all, this is what teaming up is all about!

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

39 thoughts on “How to Blog Consistently: 7 Blogging Hacks For Getting Unstuck”

  1. Jed & Jen, Thanks for the party on this lovely, cold Friday morning. You offered some great tips for us bloggers out there. I keep a notebook everywhere. By my night stand, in the car and at work. When the thoughts or lines pop in my head, I need to write them down. Sometimes I’ll just hear something and think, “oh, I need to blog about that.” Anyways, whatever it takes to keep it all flowing consistently. Wishing you both a Happy Valentine’s Day! I saw that Valerie interviewed you both too this week. You are now the “stars.” I hope you’ve had a chance to drop by and see your comments. Feel free to comment back on any of them you wish to.

    1. Hey Michelle,
      Thank you again for the awesome interview and feature! It’s been an exciting week and Jenny and I have been incredibly honored to be featured on both sites. I just stopped by again. It’s fun to see so many kind and encouraging comments. Wishing you guys a happy Valentines Day as well.

  2. Hi Jed and Jen- Happy Friday!

    Thanks for hosting this linkup! I found you from the 100 Happy days linkup. I’m really enjoying your Friday posts about blogging. I’ve taken to heart several things you’ve shared and it’s making a difference. I can’t wait to check out today’s post. Have a blessed weekend!

  3. I love coming here on Fridays for your blogging tips! They are always so helpful! Thanks so much for sharing…and for the weekly link-up!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Excellent tips. Yes, have a plan, and kick those ANTs to the curb. I love the sleep on it line item too. I often write drafts of posts and then come back to them the next day or so to revisit before finalizing.

  5. Great advice! Starting to write is the most important one I think. I have friends and family tell me they want to write but don’t know what about, or try to pick the perfect niche for their interests. I just tell them, to start lol! Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you all have a blessed weekend 🙂

      1. So true! I’ve been trying to get my Mom to sit down and start a blog. Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope you all will link up again this week 🙂

  6. Great tips! I have a found a schedule to be very important. I set my alarm for 5 am, and after my morning bible study, I’m usually ready to devote from 6-8:00 to solid blogging things. I’ve also had a journal for the last couple years that has been incredibly helpful as well.
    Well written, solid advice!

  7. In almost six years of blogging, I’ve certainly had times when I’ve stared at that blank white screen and wondered where the words were going to come from! And yet, somehow once I get started, they come. I publish once a week, and I have found that if I look over the past week of events, there is always something I can write about. And, when the Holy Spirit is part of the process, God has a way of providing the words.

    Though taken a bit out of context, I’ve always loved this verse as it applies to writing:

    “…don’t worry about…what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time. For it is not you who will be speaking—it will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 10:19-20, NLT)

    Jed, I think your advice in this post is practical and helpful. Perhaps especially #4. It’s so true how our own heads can get in the way of our writing. I have a good friend who always says, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” I think that’s what you’re saying here. Squash the ANTS, and speak!!


    1. Thanks Sharon,
      That is such a great Scripture, and I love that line, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” I’m continue strive to let go of my own perfectionist tendencies each week. Wishing you a blessed week as well!

  8. Happy Friday! I’ve always found that it does help to type up a post before bed and then recheck it in the morning when your mind is fresh and clear. I always end up rewording half of what I’ve written, and am happy I didn’t hit “publish” the night before.

    Thanks for linking with my No Rules Weekend Party…have a great weekend 🙂

  9. Awesome tips! I definitely get some great inspiration when driving or at night. It’s just making sure I write it down right away so I don’t forget.

  10. “I’ve heard stories of professional writers who got started by waking up an hour or two earlier to write. However, I rarely hear success stories about writers who stay up late getting the job done.”

    Oh man, that is a kick in the pants for me! One of my goals for 2016 is to get up early enough to get some blogging in before work….lets just say I have a ways to go. ???? This was a big encouragement for me!

  11. Hey Jed,

    I love the Evernote hack for storing blog post ideas. When I get an idea for a post title, or an outline for a post, I put it in a Blog Ideas notebook in Evernote. I’ll also use Evernote to save journal articles and take photos of book pages using Scannable, when I come across good source material for a future blog post.

    1. Hey Jon,
      Thanks for the extra Evernote tip. I’m still figuring out the features. I’m going to have to check out Scannable. Being able to add in photos of books and articles will be incredible helpful.

    1. Thanks Beth,
      I just noticed you host a link-up as well. I just added you to my list, and look forward to stopping by again on Wednesday. I can’t wait for the next post in your series too!

  12. Wow I just found a new source of inspiration and information, I have to spend more time here.
    Thanks for stopping by to share #SmallVictoriesSundaylinkup
    Pinned and Tweeted

    Your also welcome to come and share on my Friday Features where we are still going strong.

  13. These are some really good ideas for getting unstuck. I find reading other blogs really helps me too. I usually find a couple ideas and then ask the Lord to give me what HE wants me to write about. Also reading in general helps me. Reading books, papers, magazine articles all have different styles, but they certainly can help get those juices flowing.

  14. I love the analogy of the ants. If I think a post isn’t good enough for now, I just save it and write something else. Who knows what might come to me later on that will make that post worthwhile. Also, for me, sticking to a schedule is key. The pressure to get a post out on time helps to spark creativity and helps push me through those times when I am blocked. I am a night owl with young kids at home so night seems to be the only time I have quiet to write. I will have to try the getting up early thing to work on my writing. Thanks for the tips! 🙂

  15. Congratulations Jed & Jen – you are our Friend Of The Week at this week’s Friendship Friday Blog Hop & Social Media Boost #212 at Create With Joy!

    I love your blog and have enjoyed connecting with you!

    I hope you have an amazing week! 🙂

  16. Great tips!!
    Writing prompts are SO helpful for those writer’s block days.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Mommy Monday!!

  17. Thanks for all of the tips. I am glad you are sharing them with us at Sitting Among Friends on Wednesdays. I look forward to your weekly posts.

  18. Great hacks. I’ve found myself in a rut lately, mostly because I haven’t worked far enough ahead to have topics ready on the go. I just downloaded Evernote and I’m going to spend some time planning posts for next month. I especially like the advice about writing a personal story or short post. Something is better than nothing and can stimulate more ideas. Pinning, stumbling and tweeting this. Happy Thursday guys!

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