Leadership blogs that develop your leadership skills

Awesome Leadership Blogs that Grow Leadership Skills

Are you looking to grow your leadership skills? If so, then you have come to the right place. In this post, we’ll dive into eight awesome leadership blogs. Then, we’ll examine why each one is worth following. Leadership flows into every area of life. There is corporate leadership, home leadership, and self-leadership. Because the topic is so diverse, this post is divided into four categories:

  • Leadership Blog Personal Favorites
  • Heavy-Hitting Leadership Blogs
  • Inspirational Leadership Blogs, and
  • Psychology and Leadership

Each site is unique and adds to the conversation. After you check out my favorite leadership blogs, I’d love it if you would add your favorites to the comments below. Now, let’s dive into some of the best blogs around, and examine the secret ingredients that make these leadership blogs rock!

Leadership Blog Personal Favorites

1. The Best Advice so Far

Erik Tyler is a mentor, author, blogger, and friend. His book, The Best Advice So Far (Which has the same title as his blog), is endorsed by Google’s Vice President of People Development, Karen May! Erik’s site tops my list of leadership blogs for several reasons.

  • Erik’s advice is easy to follow.
  • His posts are filled with real-life stores that inspire readers to take action.
  • And Erik is one of the most engaging bloggers I know.

Erik personally responds to every comment. It’s his way of actively supporting his tribe in their growth. The Best Advice so Far is more than a leadership blog. It’s a leadership experience and an excellent way to level-up your leadership skills!

2. The Adam Smith Blog

The Adam Smith Blog is bursting with wisdom. Adam has a different subject assigned to each day of the week. Topics include:

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Social Media
  • Focus
  • Creativity, and
  • Relationships

With so much valuable information packed into a single site, it’s easy to see why Adam is named a Top Industry Influencer by American Genius. I had the privileged of writing for The Adam Smith Blog for six months before stepping away to focus on my own blog. Yet, I continue to use the tools I learned from Adam and his team daily. In short, the ideas presented on The Adam Smith Blog work!

3. Kirby Ingles Life Coaching

Kirby’s blog is one of my newer finds. And it is quickly becoming a favorite! I appreciate Kirby’s honesty and willingness to engage with his readers. I like it when bloggers respond to my comments, and when the replies are well thought out, it’s an even bigger plus. Although I’m only a few posts into my reading, Kirby Ingles Life Coaching has won me over! This site is especially relevant for those looking to grow personally. Coaches looking to grow their leadership skills will find this blog especially relevant! 

Heavy-Hitting Leadership Blogs

You’ve likely heard of these sites before. The next two leadership blogs are written by well-known bloggers with massive followings. I’ve included them in this list because of the impact they have had on my own life.

4. Jeff Goins

I had wanted to write a book for years. Then I stumbled across an audio recording by Jeff Goins. He encouraged would-be authors to declare themselves a writer, and write. The next morning I put Jeff’s advice into action. Today I have two published books and a third on the way. Jeff’s masterpiece, You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One), helped me through the writing process’s rough patches. Goinswriter.com is a must for every leader with an important message to share!

5. Michael Hyatt

Michale Hyatte describes himself as a virtual mentor. With over a half-million followers, he is certainly doing something right. Michael has a knack for explaining things in a way that makes sense. His book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, blog, and Platform University membership site, have an important role in my own development as a leader. If you are looking for practical tools that you can begin using right now, then Michael Hyatt is the man to follow.

Inspirational Leadership Blogs

5. 1Glories

Chad Gramling is the author of 1Glories. He and I have a lot in common. We each have three daughters. Surprisingly, our wives are both named Jenny. Chad and I love Jesus. And we each have a desire to help others succeed. With so much in common, it was impossible not to include 1Glories on this leadership blog list. Chad’s soon-to-be-released book, Listen Up Kids, does an excellent job of combining practical advice, Chad’s love for family, and his passion for Christ, into an easy-to-read format. Although this leadership blog would be beneficial to anyone, I would especially recommend it to dads with daughters.

6. Jackie Bledsoe

Jackie Bledsoe’s blog is encouraging, uplifting, and real. Jackie freely shares many happy family moments. He is also not afraid to delve into how life really works. In fact, a few weeks ago, I learned that Jackie’s blogging beginnings included a period of homelessness. By the way, Jackie, if you’re reading this, that was one of my favorite posts. Jackie reminds me that going through life’s storms is normal, and there is hope for a good life on the other side. Jackie’s transparency makes him a family leader I look up to. I recommend Jackie’s blog to moms, dads, and anyone who wants to grow their leadership skills at home!

Psychology and Leadership

Mention Psychology and Scripture in the same sentence, and you are likely to get funny looks. Yet, if you’ve read my book, Coffee Shop Inspirations: Simple Strategies For Building Dynamic Leadership And Relationships, then you know I believe that psychology and the Bible go together like Coffee and Chocolate. Yet, it’s not easy finding writers who integrate the two. Fortunately, through the power of the internet, we are slowly banding together. Here are two of my favorite leadership blogs that glean practical applications from psychology and Scripture.

7. Jon Beaty

Jon is a counselor, teacher, and church leader. With an easy-to-understand style, Jon writes about happiness, family, relationships, and self-leadership. Jon’s integration of key principles from psychology and Scripture flows naturally. JonBeaty.com is the perfect site for those longing to grow as Christ-honoring leaders at home.

8. Church Therapy

Kristen Kansiewicz is a licensed therapist with a passion for integration. Kristen has written several books–which are on my “must-read” list. At ChurchTherapy.com, you’ll find insightful strategies for integrating mental and spiritual health. Kristen’s site is especially relevant for leaders struggling with their own mental health needs. It’s also a great resource for leaders who support others in their journey toward mental and spiritual health.

Continue the Conversation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the brief overview of my favorite leadership blogs. Now, we’d love to hear from you.

  • What leadership blogs would you add to this list?
  • How are you leveling up your leadership skills? 
  • Did you visit any of these leadership websites, and do you have a favorite?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at www.ithrive320.com.

13 thoughts on “Awesome Leadership Blogs that Grow Leadership Skills”

  1. Wow, Jed! I’m both surprised and honored to see my blog on this list (and at the top, no less). And, as fate would have it, today is my birthday; so this was certainly an unexpected gift! Thanks for your continued friendship, support and encouragement. And I’ll be sure to check out some of your other favorites of which I wasn’t aware until now.

    1. Hey Erik,
      Happy birthday! Yes, your site rocks, and I’ve been learning a ton from your site, and all of our interactions. Sure appreciate you and our friendship. Be sure to eat an extra piece of cake for me 🙂

      1. I’m realizing that having so many interconnections with you on the Web has an added benefit: multiple wishes for a Happy Birthday from you! Pretty good ROI.

        If I eat cake, I’ll be sure to take a picture of “your piece” before I eat it.

  2. Jed, You’re one of my favorite bloggers. That makes it an extra special honor for my blog to be recommended by you. Thank you!

  3. Jed,

    Thanks for adding me to this list of great leaders! I’m so glad that we got to work together on Adam Smith’s Leadership in Life Blog. I enjoy reading your thoughts and practical advice. You have a beautiful site and great content. Most of all you have brought me a lot of value by leading me to connect with other great leaders in the world that I could only connect with through knowing you and being on the web.

    Great Leaders bring people together. You should be #1 on this list of Leadership Blogs that Rock!

    1. Absolutely! I love your blog and it’s great to connect with another daddy of three daughters. Since your three girls are a little older than mine, I may be looking to you for a lot of advice 🙂

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