A few weeks ago, I sent out a survey asking “How can I best serve you?” In this brief survey, I also asked, “What topics would you like to see on this blog?” Your feedback was incredible–thank you!
What I learned is that many people are going through life feeling like they are carrying a two-ton elephant on their shoulders. In other words, people are stressed! Often, I am right there with you. As a husband, daddy to four amazing girls, and an owner of a hyperactive cat, my days are packed. It feels like there are never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that needs to be done.
There is always so much more I have to do! If you have ever thought this to yourself or said these words out loud, then today’s post is especially for you. I am excited to share a simple, stress reduction strategy that I enjoy. This quick, mental shift makes difficult tasks feel lighter. Be sure to check out this video post to learn more!
A Simple Strategy For Reducing Stress
Continue The Stress-Busting Conversation
Do you notice your attitude change when you shift your thoughts from “I have to…” to “I want to…?” How do you like the video format? And what other stress-reducing strategies work well for you? I would love to hear from you and continue the conversation in the comments below!
Oh, and a few more things: Be sure to check out my friend Erik Tyler’s post on taking a twenty-minute vacation. Second, for more stress-busting and mood-boosting strategies, dive into our Ultimate Guide for Self-Care. These 8 simple strategies will help you recharge fast. Plus, we’ve included two printable self-care infographics to help you take action!
Wishing you an incredible week!
Nice job, Jed! Yay us! (And thanks for the shout-out there!)
What you’ve said here about shifting our thinking is important. I wonder, however, if some people hear this and think, “That’s silly. It won’t change the level of stress I have.” And they’ll never try it.
Too bad. Because it works.
My version of this is “I choose to.” As adults in America, there are very few things we truly have to do. The wonderful truth is that we choose to do them because there are perceived gains to doing so. I’ve actually worked jobs at times where I got completely stressed and hated going. It felt like I “had to” go, like I was trapped into this unfair and emotionally exhausting environment. But when I came back to the truth that I was making a choice to be there (because the pay was good, I enjoyed certain aspects, it was easier at the time than looking for another source of income), things took on new perspective. The truth was that I could quit, any time I chose. I didn’t even need to give a two-week notice; I could just walk right out the door and never look back. Sure, there might be consequences, but that was a choice I could make. And realizing that … helped me to readjust my attitude, isolate the things that were causing me stress (which boiled down to actually just one person and situation that had festered), and deal with it (which went amazingly well when I didn’t go in with the old mind set).
If we don’t practice that shift from “I have to” to “I want to” (or “I choose to”), we doom ourselves to play the role of the victim in life. And that starts every day with defeat. Accepting that I’m choosing this or that for reasons X, Y and Z helps us take ownership, to realize options, and to feel that we are in control, not being controlled. And that just changes things!
Again, kudos for completing our experiment. Thanks for taking the challenge with me.