Platform Building Experements

Platform Building Experiments for Authors and Bloggers

For the past few weeks, I have been posting less. In January, I wrote 3-5 times a week–and it was awesome! I hope to pick up the pace again soon. However, this month, two things have taken over. I’ve been consumed by family, and–as silly as it may sound–I have also been swept away by the mad-scientist mentality. That is, I’ve been caught up in a number of platform building experiments. Let me explain.

Family Life

First, family stuff. Family matters most. My family is my lighthouse. It is one of the things that I cling to in the midst of life’s storms. With our fourth daughter on the way, life is busier than usual. Jenny spends each evening cooking enough food to feed our entire block and freezing the leftovers. She is an awesome planner, and our family will be well prepared when little Emmalynn arrives.

I, on the other hand, am finishing up at work. Today is my last day before an extended leave. I’ll be providing extra support at home until Emma arrives. Jenny is tough as nails and committed to keeping the daycare open until for as long as possible. This month, I am taking advice that I’ve heard from many of my blogging friends. I am striving to put family first. Although I’m planning to return to a more consistent posting soon, I’m also learning that it is perfectly OK to slow down during the busy seasons of life.

Platform Building Experiments

The second reason I have been posting less it that I am in the middle of more platform building experiments than ever! In one of my early posts, I wrote about how one of my favorite self-talk phrases, “It’s an experiment.” For me, this phrase conjures up the image of a mad scientist, smiling, and holding a beaker in each hand. The scientist knows that once the fluids in the beakers are combined, anything can happen. He might discover a secret formula for turning lead into gold, or the mixture could blow-up in his face. Yet, no matter what the outcome, once the experiment is conducted, the scientist will have learned something new.

Thomas Edison adopted a true, scientific mentality when he stated, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” The scientific mentality says, “Nothing has to happen, and noting can’t happen.” Everything is a learning experience.

Currently, I’m in the middle of a number of platform building experiments that I’d like to share with you!

Platform building experiment #1

First, I’m in the process of publishing and launching a new book! 131 Creative Conversations For Couples is available in paperback, and hopefully, by the time you read this, the e-book will be available too. However, there is no need to purchase a copy–unless you absolutely need it right now. My plan is to launch this book for free. Amazon allows authors five days to give their book away. It’s an awesome way for newer authors–like myself–to get their book into the hands of active readers and build a tribe. I’ll tell you more about how you can pick up your free copy, and help me spread the news, soon!

platform building experiments

Platform building experiment #2

Platform building experiment #2 is a second free e-book. You may have noticed that I have been asking for feedback each week. Based on your excellent input, I’ll be revising the cover soon. This book has turned into a bigger project expected, but it’s a good thing! I’ll be publishing 101 Highly Caffeinated Blogging Prompts, on Amazon in the near future. If you would like to reserve your free copy, there is still time. And, feedback on the cover is still very much appreciated!

Platform building experiment #3

My third-platform building experiment is the start of a new podcast with my friends Etienne and Chatila. Pod-casting is something that I have been wanting to try for a long time. I was thrilled when Etienne invited me to team up with him earlier this year. I can promise you that this is not the most refined podcast that you will hear. I’m still very new at this. However, I am also quickly learning and growing–and that is what makes this so fun! This week, I’ve been reading Talk Like Ted: The Nine Public-Speaking Secret of the World’s Top Minds. This audiobook is reminding me that we improve our skills through practice.

This platform building, post-cast experiment, is one way I am stretching myself this year. You can listen to the latest episode on Leading with a Limp, here:

Etienne, Chatila, and I are excited about inviting guests onto the show–it’s another experiment! If you would like to join us and share what you are learning about faith, family, and friendship, please send an e-mail to and let me know!

Platform building experiment #4

My fourth platform building experiment has been hosting this Friday link-up. Connecting with you, and learning from your experiences, has become one of the highlights of my week!

The bottom line is that right now, I am not sure where all of these platform building experiments are leading. I do know that I am having a blast experimenting, growing, and making new friends along the way. Some of these experiments have been nerve-racking. In fact, I felt my anxiety rise when I started each one of these experiments. But this is normal. [Tweet “Growth involves risk and stepping out of our comfort zone.”]

What platform building experiments are you trying out? What’s working well for you, and what experiments are you letting go of? I look forward to learning from you, and to continuing our conversation in the comments below!

For more creative writing ideas, be sure to visit our writing resources page. I pull back the curtain and show you all of my favorite writing resources. You can also check out my book Ten Great Ideas for Authors, where you will discover creative writing prompts and strategies to jump-start your author journey. I truly believe you are only one great idea away from writing success!  

Family, Friendship, and Faith Link-Up

This link-up is an excellent place to meet new friends, network, and share your posts. Please feel free to include any family, friendship, and faith-related posts. If you have time, please visit some of the other submissions, leave a comment, and make some new connections–after all, this is what teaming-up is all about!

Coffee Shop Conversations

[Tweet “I’m Teaming-up at the #Family #Friendship and #Faith link-up. Join the Party! “]

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

29 thoughts on “Platform Building Experiments for Authors and Bloggers”

  1. I’ve wondered where you’ve been. So many great experiments in the making. To answer your community question, I’ve been experimenting with different blogger guests in my posts recently. For example, this week’s Party at My Place linkup with a little DWTS comparison. Including other bloggers has been fun, but it can be overwhelming the extra work. Still trying to find my niche here in the blogging world. Look forward to meeting your new addition soon. Have a great weekend. And stop over anytime to visit and link up all you have going on at Tuesday Talk and Party at My Place.

    1. Thanks Michelle,
      What a great link party! I love the DWTS comparison, and I can’t wait to get back to dropping by more consistently. I miss the conversation, engagement, and creative ideas 🙂

  2. I’m amazed at your creativity. Thanks for the thoughts which make me wonder what I should be doing that’s challenging and outside my comfort zone!

  3. Hi Jed! I think this is one of your most exciting posts yet! It’s not only encouraging and motivating, it’s affirming!

    I love the way you always speak so well of Jen; and I can just see her in the kitchen cooking enough food for an army! And kudos to you for keeping it real and slowing down your posting schedule to prioritize time with family. Blogging has a tendency to take over our lives and it’s not always easy to step back. So please enjoy your family during this season. We will still be here when you get back to your regular posting schedule.

    Lastly, your platform building experiments are exciting! I do have one that the Lord has been directing me to work on but I’ve put it off and off because it would mean less blog posting – I really can’t do both at once. But this post has encouraged me to get to it!

    Oh, and thanks for what you’ve shared about Thomas Edison’s perspective. I’ve really taken it to heart.

    Have a great weekend with the family!

    Be blessed!

    1. Thanks Tiffiney,

      Jenny really is amazing! As of yesterday, we have two, fully stocked freezers. And this is what she does after a full day of caring for kids at her daycare 🙂

      I can’t wait to hear more about this new project of yours. Wishing you an incredible week!

  4. Great stuff here Jed! Thanks so much for sharing your experiments. I’ve marked this to come back in read in greater detail this weekend. I have to tell you that I have seen a much stronger intensity in how you are approaching your blog and writing this year. Looks to me like it is paying off! Kudos.

    1. Thanks Chad,
      It’s been a blast making so many new friends and connections this year, and it really has been paying off. It such an honor to be able to connect with and encourage others each week. Wishing you an your family an incredible weekend!

  5. Nice to see you pop up in my reader, Jed. There are so many platforms and ways to promote, I think it’s great to experiment and find what works for your book, for you, and your readers. We can’t do it all, so we need to focus our time and energy. It sounds like you’re on your way to doing that 🙂 Happy April!

  6. Backing off has left you really busy! Funny how things turn out. I over the past few month have been trying new things and the blog party that I do has been a great way to connect with other bloggers that I would just see on the fly. I love the collaboration of working and sharing the work of other people. It is a lot of fun for me. There are a lot of really great writers out there and I am happy to be connecting with them.

  7. Jed,
    LOVE your experiments. One little known detail about me – Chemistry was my FAVORITE subject! Yep, I’m a geek in the lab with a Medical Technology degree (Chemistry & Biology double major). Put me in the lab and I’m a happy girl!
    SOOO, I love this post of yours. It “took” me there.

    Also, book cover- love image on left and colors on right!

    May I invite myself to be a guest on a podcast with ya’ll at some point? That would be fun to do! Radio is one of my favorite mediums. In fact, my podcast will be coming soon…May I invite you to be my guest when I get started?


    1. Susan,
      The three of us would be absolutely honored to have you on the podcast! I’ll e-mail you today with more info. Congrats on starting your podcast too. I can’t wait to hear it!

  8. Congrats on all your endeavors! You must have lots of energy 🙂
    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  9. Teaching any kind of science is great.

    I am always going outside my comfort zone, I am forced to do so on a daily basis due to the nature of my work. Sometimes, I need to just to get along with folks I work with.

  10. Hey Jed – Thanks so much for hosting the link-up and sharing your experiments with us. I look forward to reading future posts and your results. I too have taken a few weeks off. As for your book cover – I like #2 best – it is cleaner and easier to read in my opinion. Congratulations to you and your beautiful wife on the addition of your 4th daughter! Such a fun and exciting time for your entire family.

  11. Thanks for the link-up I am not sure where my platform is taking me. Lots of thoughts and worried about all the time it entails. Enjoyed reading your thoughts.

  12. I can become a bit of a mad scientist myself at times. I get determined to learn how to do something new and I can spend a LOT of time on it. I pinned this to read later this week-end because I’m really intrigued to find out what you learned from all your experiments!

  13. So glad you are making your family first then trying new ways to build your platform. Let me know when you want to push your books more I’d be happy to review them and put you in a spotlight post. Just email me.

  14. Sounds like you have lots of great things going on! I love the sound of the prompts ebook, I think my favourite is #cover 1, but it is a close call! Thanks so much for sharing at #FridayFrivolity 🙂

  15. Emmalynn! I think this is the first time I’ve been aware of your chosen name! Exciting times …

    I have many, many thoughts. For now, I’ll just say that I’m … sounds weird but … proud of you for all you are continuing to pursue and achieve, as challenging (and at times, seemingly overwhelming, I’m sure) as it can get. You have a vision and you are holding fast to it, including the vision for maintaining balance as best anyone can who has so many dreams.

    This is time for you and your family. But we absolutely must put a phone call or FaceTime chat on the calendar for as soon as is do-able!

    (Oh, and regarding the new book cover [congrats, by the way – you’re cranking them out!], I’m a fan of the one on the left. If you want to know why, I guess you’ll have to make good on setting up that chat!)

  16. Jed,

    Your doing amazing work and producing lots of content. Hard to keep up brother. I got the notification on Amazon about the couples book. Looking forward to reading it. I think you’ll like reading my link up. It says a little about Henry Ford and his thoughts on fear, failure and opportunity. You’ve definitely left fear in the dust.

    1. Thank Kirby,
      Sure appreciate the kind words and great insights from Henry Ford too. That is such an excellent line about there being no shame in noble failure.

  17. I’m tired just reading about all of your experiments! haha. This is so awesome and encouraging. Family is definitely first. 🙂

  18. I appreciate so much your sharing with us what you are working on to build your platform. It definitely seems like bloggers with a large platform have a “product” that draws more and more people to their blog, while staying true to themselves in their desire to share, just in an additional innovative way.

  19. Danielle Wells

    Hooray for your on-the-way little one! So exciting! I totally “get” not being able to post as much because you’re working in the background on those other projects! I must say – you’re ambitious! I really want to get more work done on an ebook I’ve been working on, but life gets in the way! And keeping the blog posts rolling can be hard feat! Good for you! And congrats on your little one! I know you’re super excited!

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