Lead, Coffee Shop Inspirations

Coffee Shop Inspirations: Get Energized to Lead Well!

Coffee Shop Inspirations, will take you from burned-out, to inspired, refreshed, and energized! These five foundational skills will help you tackle life’s challenges, and lead with confidence!

Hi, I’m Jed. I wrote  Coffee Shop Inspirations,  for anyone feeling stuck or discouraged. The story of why I wrote this book, goes back ten years. I was facing many roadblocks myself. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I began my journey of regaining moment by going to a number of church leaders, looking for wisdom. The advice I received was to focus on the spiritual disciplines. Specifically to:

  • Pray more.
  • Read the Bible.
  • Go to church.
  • Trust God for the results.

Following this advice helped my spiritual life to grow. However–much to my dismay–my difficulties increased. Yet, looking back, this makes perfect since. When we attend to the spiritual disciplines, our spiritual life grows. [Tweet “When we attend to the challenges we face, we begin to overcome them.”]

My Journey of Learning to Lead and Relate Well

As my search for solutions continued, I returned to college. I vividly remember the first night of psychology class. I was sitting in the back row. Our Dean, Dr. Barry Lord, gave an overview of the tools and techniques we would be learning. As he spoke, I felt the energy and enthusiasm beginning to return. These were the tools I was looking for! In addition, passage after passage of Scripture from my seminary days, came to mind.

The light-bulb in my head turned on. I was inspired! I didn’t have to choose between Biblical wisdom, and tools that worked. I could have both!

Inspiring Wise Leadership and Relationships

Fast forward eight years into my story. I’m a marriage and family therapist. My job is to support people who are discouraged and stuck, in rebuilding momentum. I find myself returning to the same tools that were an enormous support to me, on my own journey. But rather than support one family at a time in jump-starting their lives, I want to do more to help…

It is 4 a.m. and I’m the first one awake. I open my lap-top and sit down at the kitchen table. I have a steaming cup of coffee next to me. Then, I begin typing out my first book. I don’t know exactly where this journey will lead, but I do know that I have an important message that I feel compelled to share!

I’m tired of seeing passionate Christ-followers, stay stuck. As a psychology professor–I was asked to return to teach shortly after graduating. How cool is that!–I watch as Christian’s shy away from practical leadership and relationship tools, because they fear the word psychology. I know that in addition to sound wisdom, this book will need to be packed with Scripture.

Finally, while writing, I knew that this book needed to be a short and easy to apply. When I felt stuck, it was the simple tools that made the biggest impact. Today, I continue to lead with simplicity. After all, when your discouraged, taking small steps can feel overwhelming.

The Leadership Impact

It’s been nearly two years since I published Coffee Shop Inspirations. Over 5,000 copies have been placed into the hands of active leaders.

The highlight was receiving an e-mail forward on from my friend Jeff, who sent the book to a classmate in Australia. Jeff’s friend gave a copy to his psychology professor, who taught parts of the book in their Seminary’s class–Once again, how cool is that!

What is Coffee Shop Inspirations?

 Coffee Shop Inspirations,  is my first, self-published book. If I could travel back in time, there are so many things that I would do differently. However, the message of the book would remain the same. I continue to believe wholeheartedly in these leadership and relationship tools! I would however, clarify the message in both the cover and the title. So let me clarify the message here.

Coffee Shop Inspirations, will help you to lead and relate with confidence. More specifically, it’s about self-leadership–or living well so that we can be a blessing to others. Jesus often spoke about people being similar to fruit-trees. To use a Biblical analogy, this book is fertilizer that will help you produce fruit in your life, get unstuck, build momentum, and be a blessing to your family, friends, spouse, and coworkers.

 Coffee Shop Inspirations,  hones in on five foundational leadership and relationship skills. Including tools for:

  • Arguing less and connecting more.
  • Making wise choices when decisions are difficult.
  • Transforming challenges into opportunities.
  • Strategies for building momentum quickly.
  • Ideas for staying refreshed on life’s ongoing journey.

The Ongoing Leadership Journey

Nearly two years after writing this book, I find myself returning to these tools over, and over again. I teach them and I live them. This particular post–the one you are reading right now–is all about continuing to spread the message of how practical strategies from the Bible and psychology, team-up and allow us to lead and relate well. But I need your help.

Here are three things that you can do to help me spread this message.

  • First: If you haven’t read the book, start by checking it out yourself. While this book is available for purchase in both paperback and e-book format, I believe in this message so strongly that I am giving it away. Download your free copy here:  Coffee Shop Inspirations, 
  • Second: Would you help me spread this word? Below, you’ll find the Coffee Shop Inspirations share page. Simply click on a favorite quote or picture and help me to spread the news!
  • Third: If you enjoyed this book, would you consider leaving an Amazon review. Reviews are the primary way that new authors–like myself–get noticed in a crowed and noisy marketplace. My goal is to have 100 reviews by the end of 2016. Every review makes an enormous difference. If you enjoyed the book, would you support me in this goal by leaving your honest review here: Coffee Shop Inspirations Amazon Review.

Coffee Shop Inspirations Share Page:

Coffee Shop Inspirations illustrates so well the practical use of the Word of God. The author has full confidence in God’s inerrant Word, filtering everything through Scripture as the believer’s final authority. This book is clear, balanced and faithful to Scripture. I recommend it to you for your encouragement in your daily walk with the Lord in the light of His Word.”
~Dr. Gary Coombs, President: Southern California Seminary

[Tweet “God is willing and able to take the challenges we face and work them for our good and His glory.”]
lead, leadership, leading

[Tweet “In spite of the past and regardless of the present, God loves you exactly as you are”]

lead, self-care, leadership, leading

[Tweet “No matter how dreary the circumstances appear, there is always—yes always—something good happening, “]

lead, leadership, leading, self-care

[Tweet “By taking time to recharge, we are able to reach out to others from a place of healthy abundance.”]

[Tweet “Go from burned-out to inspired, energized leader, with Coffee Shop Inspirations. A #Free #MustRead”]

What are you doing to lead well? How do you pull yourself out of a slump when you are feeling stuck? If you’ve read the book, which of these tools are you using to lead and relate well, and what would you add to this list? I look forward to continuing the conversation in the comments below!

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at www.ithrive320.com.

7 thoughts on “Coffee Shop Inspirations: Get Energized to Lead Well!”

  1. I hadn’t heard of your book before, but it actually sounds like something that would be very relevant to my life right now. While I haven’t been actively seeking leadership opportunities, they seem to find their way into my life on their own :-). I’m looking forward to reading this!

  2. So happy you are handing us your book for free! How cool is that!
    Thank you for this direction you have taken to reach more people.
    Blessings to you Jed and Jen

  3. Leading and relating with confidence… sounds like a great message and a great book. I’m definitely going to snag my free copy! Thanks, Jed!

  4. I am very excited about this book. I’ll be heading over to Amazon to purchase my copy. We link up to many book reviews, you should join us. Feel free to share at any of my link parties on Tuesday Talk and again on Party at My Place on Thursdays.

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