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Be Happier Now: A Book for a Happy, Healthy, More Spiritual You!

Transform from a discouraged mom or dad, to an enthusiastic agent 0f joy, who uses their new-found happiness to parent at a higher level! Download my e-book: Be Happier Now! I believe in that your happiness matters so strongly, that this book is my gift to you!

Every month the question “What is happiness?” is googled by thousands of people looking for more joy. Happiness is elusive, and staying content isn’t easy. This is why I would love to cheer you on, in your happiness journey, with  Be Happier Now. Inside, you’ll learn why your mood matters, and find the ultimate checklist for a happy, healthy, more spiritual you! This book is an easy read, that provides mood-boosting strategies to help you share your joy to others. I believe in the value of your happiness so strongly, that this eBook is my gift to you. Just click on the link, and let me know where to send it:  Be Happier Now.

The Big Deal About Being Happy

Happy people are:

  • More productive at work.
  • They are fun to be around.
  • Happy people are more patient parents.
  • They are better problem solvers.
  • Happy people spread their joy to others and make our world a better place.

Be Happier Now: The Ultimate Checklist for a Happier, Healthier, More Spiritual You! 
Click here, then check your e-mail for your instant download!

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Your Happiness Matters

Moods are highly-contagious. A sour mood will spread quicker than any infectious disease. The good news is that joy spreads quickly too.

Being happy is also vital to your mental health. As a psychology professor, I teach the diathesis-stress model of mental illness each year. This model teaches genetics + stress = the onset of predisposed mental illness.

[Tweet “Simply stated, happiness is good for your mental health!”]

Happy is Spiritual

There is a spiritual side to happiness. The Bible teaches that “A cheerful heart is good medicine” (Proverbs 17:2). Attending to your own happiness is a God-honoring, spiritual act.

Spreading The Joy

I would love it if you would help me spread the joy and make this world a happy, healthy, more spiritual place. Here is how you can help:

First, pick up your copy of:  Be Happier Now It’s yours free when you subscribe to my weekly newsletter. And don’t worry, I only e-mail once a week and never share your information with others 🙂

Second, let me know what you think of this eBook in the comments below.

  • What did you enjoy?
  • Which happiness tools worked well?
  • What questions do you still have?
  • How can I make this book even better?

Finally, I would love it if you would help me spread the joy. You’ll find easy-to-share quotes and images below!

Be Happy Now Share Page

[Tweet “Your happiness matters because you matter. #BeHappyNow”]

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[Tweet “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Phil 4:4 #Happiness & #Joy”]

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[Tweet “A soft, gentle smile is one of the simplest happiness wins around. #BeHappy”]

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[Tweet “Connect with happy people, and your own happiness will grow.”]

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[Tweet “I downloaded my #free #happiness #eBook / Get your copy here: “]

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Thank you for checking out my Be Happier Now share page! What other bonus books or handouts would you like to see in the future? How can I make these resources easier to share? What posts and articles would you like to see on Coffee Shop Conversations? Leave a comment below and let me know how I can best encourage and support you!

P.S. Here are some additional resources for a happy you:

  1. 101 Reasons to Be Thankful: Build happiness, energy, and momentum with this list of 101 reasons to be thankful!
  2. How to Enjoy Each Season of Life to its Fullest: What season are you in?
  3. Give Your Family the Gift of a Happy You: The connection between happiness, spirituality, and awesome relationships.

Wishing you an abundance of happiness and joy!

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at www.ithrive320.com.

5 thoughts on “Be Happier Now: A Book for a Happy, Healthy, More Spiritual You!”

  1. What a great ebook! Moods are so easy to spread around, I knew that my whole life, but as a mom now I see it daily. When I can keep my mood light and happy my kids are happier, when I allow their sour moods to bring me down, we all just spiral for the day… no fun

  2. I completely agree–happier people are more productive and funner to be around. Nobody likes a Debby Downer. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Congratulations on your book! It sounds excellent, and it is wonderful for you to help others want to know more about joy and happiness. Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you all link up again this week 🙂

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