Conversation starters are a list of questions that get two people talking and keep the conversation flowing. A list of conversation starters can be helpful because it gives two people permission to dive into subjects they might not bring up on their own. For example, we all know that money can make or break a relationship. Yet, many people are taught that it’s not polite to openly talk about finances. This list of conversation starters about money, finances, and savings can help because by giving you permission to talk about money and takes the pressure off.
How to Use this List of Conversation Starters About Money
By using a list of conversation starters about money, you are not asking the question. Instead, the conversation starters list is—which can take the pressure off. There’s no right place to start going through these questions. To start, simply scroll down to any question you like and dive in! You don’t have to go through these conversation starters about money in any particular order. After all, the ultimate goal isn’t to finish the list but to grow closer together as a couple.
I define intimacy as into-me-see. When it comes to finances, these questions will help you peer into your loved one’s inner world. Aking your partner great questions is how our love maps are formed and stay up to date.
You can also ask these questions in a group setting as an ice-breaker. These conversation starters will work exceptionally well if your group is meeting to talk about money, finances, or saving and spending habits. Or, you might pick a few of these creative conversation starters about money to use as journal entry prompts.
However you use these questions, just be sure to keep in mind that the goal of these conversation starters is discussion and thoughtful insight. Unlike running a marathon, the goal is not to reach the end of the list quickly. There is no prize for being the first to finish. Instead, having insightful conversations about money, finances, and saving is the primary aim.
Conversation Starters About Money Page Navigation
To make navigating this post easier, here are some additional money insights you might want to check out: Why Conversation Starters About Money Matter / Great Places to Dive into these Conversation Starters About Money / Conversation Starters About Money in the Wild / Conversation Starter Books
I wish you happy conversing as you dive into these questions about money, finances, and savings and gain new insights into each other’s inner worlds!
Conversation Starters about Money, Finances, and Saving
Here is a list of creative conversation starters that focus on the topics of money, finances, and savings, because the best way to gain new insights is to ask great questions.
1. Are you more of a saver or a spender?
I’ve heard it said that savers and spenders tend to find one another and get married. Is this true for you?
2. What was the very last purchase that you made?
The purchase may have been big or small. It might have been made online or in the store. With one-click “buy now” buttons, and online shopping readily available by laptop and cellphone, it’s easier to spend money than ever before. This conversation starter might even provide you with some new insights into your own spending habits.
3. What is something positive you learned about money and finances from your parents?
All of us began learning about money when we were young. This question highlights positive financial habits that may have been passed down from generation to generation.
4. What negative spending habits did you pick up from your parents?
Although this question is not as fun as the previous one, it can lead to new insights. Our negative spending habits come from somewhere, right? Did you happen to pick up a few at home? Let’s talk about it!
5. If a rich uncle suddenly gave you a million dollars, what would you do first?
This question tries to get at your top money priority so that you can both talk about it. Plus, scheming and dreaming about how to spend a small fortune is a lot of fun too. So let the creativity flow, and the conversations begin.
6. Will Rogers said, “Too many people spend money they buy things they don’t impress people that they don’t like.” Can you think of a time you’ve done this? If so, tell the story.
Everyone makes good and bad money decisions at times. Are you able to talk and even laugh about past financial blunders? This conversation starter focuses on connecting through story.
7. Is accumulating money good, bad, or morally neutral? Why do you believe this?
Don’t answer this question too fast. First, examine what you believe in your head. Then, think about what you believe in your heart. Are the two congruent? What we believe isn’t always black and white. The goal of this conversation starter is to get to the heart of what you think about money.
8. Jim Rohn said, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” When it comes to finances, do you think Jim is right? Is self-education a better way to accumulate wealth? Why or why not?
Conversations about famous money quotes are an excellent way to think deeply about what is being said. You’ll find a number of these types of questions here.
9. Tell a story about a savings success. When were you able to make a big purchase by meticulously planning, and how did you do it?
This is a hero question. All of us have moments when we are the hero of our own financial story. This conversation starter is meant to get you to think deeply about those times so you can do more of what works.
10. How do you currently feel about your finances? Are you relaxed, stressed, or somewhere in between?
This is one of those questions that you can come back to time and again. Feelings come, go, and change over time. This conversation starter can even be used as a monthly check-in.
11. Do you believe in the old adage, “A penny saved is a penny earned?” Why or why not.
Old sayings like this one are fun to recite. But it’s all too easy to quote them without putting thought into what they mean. This question tries to help you get to the heart of your feelings about this well-known money saying.

12. Are money conversations easy for you to have, or do they make you uncomfortable? Why do you think this is?
Most people have strong feelings about money. For some, talking about finances is taboo. For others, the money talk flows freely. This conversation starter is meant to get to the heart of your feelings about money and to help you gain new insights into why you might feel this way.12. Are money conversations easy for you to have, or do they make you uncomfortable? Why do you think this is?
13. What books about budgeting, money and financial management have you already read? What was one key takeaway?
When it comes to money, budgeting, and finances, you’re likely not starting from ground zero. Have you and your partner taken similar classes, read the same books, or are there financial ideas you have in common? This money question will help you find out. It’s also an excellent question to help you discern where you’re at on your money management journey.
14. What books or courses on budgeting, money and financial management would you like to take in the future?
It’s said that those who fail to plan, plan to fail. This conversation starter is meant to help you think ahead and plan for your financial education future.
15. How did you spend money wisely this week?
This question is all about keeping things real. Sure, it’s fun to talk about money theory. But how are you putting this knowledge into action? Did you budget well? Did you think about making a frivolous purchase but ultimately, put the item back on the shelf? Are you proactively contributing to a savings account? This conversation starter is all about finding those wins so you can do more of what works!

16. How much credit card debt do you have?
This money conversation starter may not be appropriate for all situations. However, if you’re dating or engaged to be married, it may be worth diving into the specifics. One of my favorite college professors used to say, “Some couples spend more time researching their next vehicle purchase than in getting to know their future spouse.” Don’t be that couple. If you’ve racked up significant credit card debt, letting your partner know before saying the words “I do” is the ethical thing to do.
17. In your opinion, is there such a thing as “good debt.” If so, what types of things are worth going in debt over?
There is no right answer, and this is an excellent place to challenge each other’s thinking. Opinions about good and bad debt may change over the years. So you may want to return to this question again in the future.
18. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Money often costs too much.” What do you think this means?
It’s good to have a personal philosophy about money. Ralph had one, and this statement can help you discuss and examine yours.

19. Should one take out school loans or work their way through college and graduate debt-free? When it comes to money, is there a right way to do higher education?
The cost of college has risen exponentially, and some argue that a college degree is not worth what it once was. Maybe this question applies to you. Perhaps it’s more applicable to your kids, future kids, or to your political stance. Regardless, this financial conversation starter is sure to provide some food for thought.
20. Describe your dream job.
Work and finances are best friends. This question gets to the heart of how you hope to get paid.
21. How old were you when you began working, and what impact did this have on your life?
Our attitude about money starts when we are young. Having to work for the things you want and need can shape your financial worldview. So can having these things handed to you. What do you think? Has your first job impacted how you manage your finances today?
22. Zig Ziglar said, “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” In what ways is the TV or similar distractions holding you back from achieving your financial goals?
Let’s get personal. When reading a quote like this one, it’s easy to think, Yes, I know that person! But what about you? Deep self-examination can be a great topic for discussion.
23. Benjamin Franklin said, “Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it.” How are you enjoying the wealth you have?
Who doesn’t enjoy spending? For savers, it’s easy to think I’ll work hard now and enjoy the benefits later. While there is much truth in this, it’s equally as true that if we are not enjoying what God has blessed us with now, we likely will not enjoy it later. However, if you disagree, it’s OK. Talk about it, and share why!
24. Would you rather have a modest income at a job you enjoy or be wealthy but work a job that stresses you out? Why?
There is no right answer. This question is about prioritizing and knowing your top values.
25. What is one thing you would like to do differently in regard to your finances this year?
Tony Robbins uses the word CANI to describe the Constant And Never-ending Improvement that leads to growth. This conversation starter is a CANI question.

26. What financial lessons do you hope to pass on to your kids?
This question is similar to other conversation starters on this list. But it’s worth asking because parents think differently when their kids are involved. If you asked me, “What’s the most important financial lesson you’ve learned?” and pose the follow-up question, “What financial lessons do you hope to pass on to your kids?” you may receive to completely different answers. It’s merely how a parent’s brain works. When our kiddos are involved, we tend to look at things differently.
27. Do you believe in the adage, “It’s better to give than to receive.” Why or why not?
If you want to go deep, then try this slight twist. Can you describe some times when it is better to receive than to give?
28. How are you and your family honoring God with your finances?
Faith and finances simply cannot be separated. So let’s dive in and talk about it!
29. How would you like to further grow in the ways you honor God with your finances this year?
You’ve already talked about what you are doing right with your money. Now let’s build on this. How will you add to the God-honoring financial successes you already have?
30. How would you like to honor God with your finances over the next ten years?
Now that we are dreaming about the future, we might as well dream big! As you discuss your financial future, how might God want to work through you?
31. Do you think that finances are a current point of tension in our relationship? Why or why not?
This conversation starter is a matter of perspective. One person can answer “No,” and the other to say Yes.” The question is essential because like my mom always says, we won’t know if we don’t ask.”

32. What small steps can we take to reduce any financial stress in our bond?
This question is similar to the previous one. And if you both answered “No” to that question, then you both might say “nothing.” But you also might think of something the two of you can do better. It’s surprising how asking the same question in a slightly different way can lead to new conversations and insights.
33. What is your financial “why?”
Why are you saving, budgeting, and meticulously planning? Why do you read books about finances, and why are you reading this particular blog post? Obviously, there is a reason for what you do. Time is valuable, and you are choosing to spend your learning about money. A special thanks to my friend Vince Carter of CFO at Home for inspiring this question. He recently shared that the most common advice offered by the guests on his show is to find your financial why and tap into it. Everyone has a reason for learning about money. What’s yours?
34. John Wesley said, “Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” What would your life look like if you lived by this rule?
This is a reverse engineering question. Start by imagining your future self. Your debts are paid off—including your mortgage. You have a healthy retirement, growing savings, and enough income each month that you are able to give freely. Once you have a clear picture of your financially successful self, answer the question, “How did I get here?” Then work backward. Identify the steps you took to get from your current financial circumstances to where you want to go.
35. On a scale of 1-10, with a 1 being miserable and a 10 being ecstatic, how do you feel about your current job?
This is another question that’s meant to bring awareness. Work and money are tied together. And for men especially, friendships, self-esteem, and even joy are connected to what they do. Is your current job draining or energizing? Gaining clarity on this can help you plan for your future.
36. Common metaphors for work include things like the rat race, career treadmill, salt mines, wage-slave, the trenches, and being in a 9-5 rut. Are you feeling any of these things right now? If so, which metaphor describes your feelings the best, and why?
This is a simple, close-ended question. Your answer may simply be “No,” and that’s great. However, if your answer is “Yes,” then explain more. Which metaphor resonates with you, and why? As my friend Scott says, we have to know ourselves to lead ourselves. Or, in the words of G.I. Joe (a childhood favorite), “Knowing is half the battle.” Do you know how you feel about your current position, and do you understand why you feel this way?
37. Which parts of your job don’t resonate well with you, and why?
This question builds on the previous one. Does all of your work feel like a daily grind or only certain aspects? Proclaiming “I want to gain financial freedom doing a job I enjoy” is not enough. Creating this type of future requires insight into what aspects of our job we enjoy and which parts we don’t.
38. Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” What makes you come alive?
Howard Thurman was a wise man. This conversation starter is designed to get you talking about what it might look like to transition from making a living to building a life!

39. What do the words “financial freedom” mean to you?
In Invested, bestselling author Danielle Town writes, “‘Financial freedom’ could mean having just enough in the bank to add flexibility to our lives—to stay at a low-paying job we love and be able to easily support loved ones, to work part-time, to have reliable childcare, to quit a salaried job and start a nonprofit, to move to a safer neighborhood, to travel, to simply have a financial cushion in the bank for the apocalypse. To live the life each of us was born to live, whatever that might be.” This question is meant to get at the heart of the life you are born to live.
40. Coach Sean Smith says, “Do the work, and you’ll get there when you get there?” Are you doing the work necessary to build the financial future you desire?
This is another insight question. It’s one thing to know in our heads what we should do. It’s an entirely different thing to know this with our hearts and hands. So, are you putting your knowledge into action?
41. What does “doing the work” look like for you?
Writers write, dancers dance, and singers sing. This question builds on the previous one. What is the number one priority you must focus on to reach your work-money goals?
43. How will you and your loved one keep your relationship strong as you pursue your financial goals?
Even if you found the perfect budgeting plan, it’s not going to work if your partner isn’t on board. I believe a couple with a mediocre plan but a strong bond will outperform a couple with a great plan but who is at odds every time. Jesus said, “A house divided cannot stand,” and I believe this applies to finances too. So how will you keep your relationship rock solid?
44. According to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, as an asset puts money in your pocket, while a liability takes money out. What are some of your assets?
Your job, skills, side hustles, and hobbies all have asset potential. Even recycling can be an asset if you are turning your cans and bottles in for cash. You may have more assets than you realize.
45. What are some of your liabilities?
List as many as you can. One method of building wealth is to focus on increasing assets and decreasing liabilities.
46. What are a few financial liabilities you can eliminate in order to generate a few quick wins?
A few years ago, I did the math and realized the $2 a day I spend on a tall black coffee at Starbucks added up to $730 a year. I estimated I could save about $500 a year by buying a coffee pot and making my own brew. However, good coffee was more expensive than I realized, and I probably overestimated the cost. But even if this small change only resulted in a $300-a-year decrease in liabilities, it was still worth it. Do you have any liabilities you can eliminate that would help you build financial momentum fast?
47. What are some of your “assets in disguise?”
Regular dates with Jenny are one of my assets in disguise. Visibly, these outings decrease our savings account. But consider the following. The nationwide average cost of divorce is $15,000 per person. In addition, a happy marriage increases work productivity. In fact, a 2004 British study shows that engaging in activities with a loved one once a week created a happiness equivalent to that of a $50,000 annual raise. So is a weekly date night with your loved one an asset or a liability? In my mind, it’s an asset in disguise. What are some of yours?

48. In your opinion, is owning a home a financial asset or a monetary liability, and why?
The financial gurus are divided over this one. Growing up, I picked up on the idea that “Your home is your greatest asset.” But according to Robert Kiyosaki, this may not be the case. This is one of Robert’s more controversial opinions. So let’s talk about this. The goal isn’t to come up with a right or wrong answer to this question. With this question, the true value will come from wrestling with the concept.
49. What is the “suck factor” in your dream job, and how will you manage this?
Every job has at least a 10 percent “suck factor.” For anyone who views this as a crude term, let me explain. There will always be portions of our job (even our dream job), that sap our energy, drain our enthusiasm, and suck the life out of us. This is normal. Every job has a “suck factor.” Previous questions have encouraged you to dream big. This conversation starter is all about keeping a healthy perspective. Even in your ideal environment, you’ll still have to occasionally push yourself to do things you don’t want to do.
50. Describe a recent “good buy.”
One way we grow is by building on our strengths. So what was a purchasing win this week? The goal is to identify ways you are managing money well and to build on them.
51. What does financial stress look like for you?
Can your loved one tell when you are stressed about finances? Can you tell when you’re stressed and verbalize the emotions in a calm, rational way? You may think, Well, duh! Of course, I can. But many people’s emotional I.Q. is not as high as they think. I’m grateful Jenny can read when I’m stressed and is also patient enough to give me some room to process my thoughts before we talk. Money stress is going to happen. The important thing is that you’re able to identify it and address the stress in a way that works for you.
52. What are some positive ways you manage your stress when you feel the financial pressure rise?
How do you cope? This could be as simple as going for a run, phoning a friend, or getting a good night’s rest. This conversation starter is meant to help you examine the arsenal of positive stress-management tools you already have at your disposal.
53. As your income increases, how will you and your loved one manage the increased stress?
An old adage says, “more money, more problems,” and as Uncle Ben so aptly stated, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Money can cause stress to rise. If this happens to be true for you, how will you manage this as your income grows?
54. Describe a budgeting win that happened in the last month.
Money success can snowball. This question is all about discovering your current wins so you can build on them.
55. Now describe what you consider to be a budgeting loss.
Building on the previous question, the goal of this conversation starter is to help you fail forward. To dive deeper, identify the loss, what you learned from it, and how this will help you to grow.
56. Conrad Hilton said, “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” What actions are you currently taking to bring your financial dreams to fruition?
To succeed, you must keep going. Examining the positive actions you are taking to reach your financial goals must be an ongoing process and not a one-time event. So let’s dive into this conversation again and again!
57. What are your feelings about investing in the stock market, and why?
You may know a little. You might know a lot. The goal of this question is to stir up new money conversations.

58. What is your financial superpower?
Everyone has at least one! Do you know yours?
59. What’s your financial kryptonite?
Every superhero has a weakness, even you. It’s essential to know your shortcomings so you’re not caught off guard.
60. Who are your financial sidekicks?
Batman has Robbin, and the avengers are always better as a team. Ray Kroc said, “None of us is as good as all of us.” For this conversation starter, identify your financial superhero team!
61. Who is your financial nemesis?
This doesn’t make them bad people. It merely means that you are aware that he or she is not spurring you on toward your financial goals. To make matters worse, you may have more than one. Do you know who they are?
62. What is your financialsuperhero backstory?
Were you born with super money powers? Did a tragedy or trauma propel you into action? Has great wealth always been your destiny? Or is your mission to save others? The financial adventure is even more fun with a great backstory. What’s yours?
63. What’s your financial superhero catchphrase?
The Hulk is known for saying, “Don’t make me angry…” Batman says, “I am the vengeance, I am the night, I am BATMAN!” What mantra reminds you of your financial superhero’s why and goal?
64. What are some ways your beliefs about money have changed over the years?
This question is a challenge to think deeply about your personal growth.
65. Hebrews 13:5 says, “Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have…” Are you content with what you have? Why or why not?
One acronym for the Bible is B.I.B.L.E.: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Are you and your loved one putting what it says into practice? This conversation starter and a few others interspersed throughout this post will help you to examine your beliefs about money through the lens of Scripture.

66. If you’re not content now, what would it take for you to be content?
According to an old story, John D. Rockefeller was once asked, “How much money is enough?” He responded, “Just a little bit more.” This conversation starter is meant to help you avoid the discontentment trap.
67. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” What do you think this passage of Scripture means?
Is money evil in and of itself? Or is there more going on? The goal of this question is to challenge you to think deeply about the Bible and money.
68. President Joe Biden said, “Don’t tell me what you value; show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.” What does your budget reveal about your values?
Joe Biden is right. How we save and spend reveals a lot about what we value most. So, what does your budget say about you?
69. Albert Einstein said, “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” What are some things that matter apart from finances?
This question can lead to some great conversations about values.
70. Which political party’s view of money do you most closely align with, and why?
Money and politics can quickly turn a polite conversation sour. So proceed with caution. Remember to seek first to understand, then to be understood. One goal of this question is to gain financial into-me-see. In regards to money and politics, do you have a clear picture of your partner’s inner world? If the two of you disagree on which political party is best, are there, perhaps, other areas of agreement?
71. When it comes to money, what is the biggest fear you have?
According to an article in The Huffington Post, 85 percent of what people worry about never transpires. And on those rare occasions it does, 79 percent of the subjects studied discovered either they could handle the difficulty better than expected or the challenge taught them a valuable lesson. Despite these hopeful statistics, fear is still a powerful motivator. This conversation starter will help you get to the heart of fears that may be driving you.

72. When you reach major financial milestones, how will you celebrate?
These next conversation starters about money matter because success is worth celebrating. Plus, it opens up new opportunities. This question and the ones that follow, help you plan for your financial success.
73. When you reach a place of financial stability where you can give freely, which charities and causes would you like to support? Why?
Have fun with this one, and dream big!
74. As you move toward greater financial independence, how will you help, inspire, encourage, and support others?
Why wait? You may not be able to give like you’ve always wanted to give just yet. But this doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference in the world. A kind word, a listening ear, or a small but thoughtful gift can make a huge difference. What actions will you take to encourage others now?
75. What are some ways others have used their finances, talents, or time to be a blessing in your life?
One goal of financial freedom is to bless others. And a great way to do this is to identify meaningful ways other people have built into your life. Then, immolate those actions. I call this pragmatic kindness. This question will help you identify kind activities that matter so that you can do more of what works.
76. Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven… For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What are you doing to lay up treasures in heaven?
This question builds upon previous ones that aim to help you put Scriptures about money into practice.

77. What timewasters are getting in the way of your financial goals?
According to our recent survey, busyness is the number one reason couples don’t connect as often as they would like. The hustle and bustle of life can also get in the way of pursuing our financial goals. This conversation starter about money will help you examine if busyness is a barrier to your financial dreams.
78. In your mind, what are your biggest barriers to achieving financial success?
Randy Pausch, the author of The Last Lecture, states, “The brick walls are there for a reason. … The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” Knowing what our financial brick walls are is the first step in pushing past them.
79. Who is the most financially successful person that you know personally, and what do you admire about him or her?
According to Oscar Wilde, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Which of your friend’s financial habits are worth emulating?
80. Who do you consider to be your financial hero, and why?
This financial conversation starter builds on the previous one. You may not know this person, but that doesn’t mean you can’t imitate him or her.
81. If you could ask your financial hero any question, what would it be?
This financial conversation starter matters because we have to ask good questions to get good answers, right?
82. How do you think your financial hero would answer your question?
You know your financial hero well. So, there is a good chance you already know what he or she would suggest.
83. What do you think might happen if you put this advice into action?
Some people need more information. But most people would benefit more from someone standing behind them yelling, “Let’s goooooo!” You likely have more financial wisdom than you realized. This financial question will help you examine what might happen in you dove wholeheartedly into the money wisdom that you already possess.
84. If you were your own money coach, what would you say to yourself?
When it comes to reaching your financial goals, there is a good chance you already know the next right thing to do. This question can help you determine what that next step is.

85. When it comes to saving and spending, what are some things your loved one is doing right?
This question assumes that you’re talking to your loved one. If you’re having this conversation with someone else, that’s OK too. What is this person doing well when it comes to finances? Recognizing our own strengths is often difficult. After all, they are strengths. Because these healthy money habits come easy to us, we naturally assume that everyone is good at them. But often, this is not the case. Help your loved one out by pointing out these strengths so he or she can build on them.
86. In Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki talks about making a shift from saying, “I can’t afford that,” to asking, “How can I afford it?” In what areas might you need to make a similar mental shift?
The financially astute think about money differently. Would making this slight mental pivot be helpful to you?
87. David Brinkley said, “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” What bricks have been thrown at your financial dreams?
This question provides an opportunity to practice empathy and opens the door to greater understanding. We all have old wounds or “iceberg issues.” These are areas where perhaps a small wound is visible, but much more lies beneath the surface. When it comes to money, the ability to identify and openly talk about our financial iceberg issues is important. Do the two of you know what yours are?
88. How have you been able to start laying a foundation with the bricks thrown at you?
Failure can be a catalyst for success, and the jeers of others can spur us toward growth. Have yesterday’s financial shortcomings become a foundation for today’s financial growth? This question encourages you to think and talk about this!
89. Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” What are some strategies for pursuing your financial dreams that have not worked well?
It’s said that insanity is doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results. An idea isn’t a failure so long as we learn from the results. This conversation starter is meant to ignite a discussion about what each of you has learned from past financial experiments.
90. What is the best money management book you’ve read, and what did you like about it?
This question provides a great opportunity to share some of your favorite learnings about money.

91. Describe your first entrepreneurial experience. Then, share what you learned from this.
Did you open a lemonade stand, have a bake sale, mow lawns, or run errands for the neighbor? Maybe you learned about money from doing chores at home. Nearly everyone has some experience working for themselves. This conversation starter provides an opportunity to share yours.
92. What has been your most successful entrepreneurial endeavor to date, and what did you learn from this?
Perhaps your learnings were in regard to finances. Maybe you discovered something new about yourself (Like you love or hate sales). This question provides another opportunity to provide insights into your inner world.
93. What is your attitude toward tithing (giving a tenth of your income to God’s work)?
Should people tithe? Do you? Does this mean giving money to the church, or a project you believe in, or is it OK to give to any charity in general? This conversation starter is a chance to dive deeper into another money-related topic that you may not have discussed yet.
94. Kim Garst says, “If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know & start charging for it.” How does this quote make you feel?
This question is all about feelings. In business, it’s sometimes easier to know what we should do than to actually do it. Is there a head/heart disconnect, or are the two in alignment? This question may help you find out.
95. What financial planning app do you use and recommend?
With the rise of smartphones, budgeting became easier. This question can help you find new budgeting tools and allows you to share your favorites.
96. As you’ve used the conversation starters about money in this post, have you noticed that money conversations flow easier?
According to The Learning Pyramid, engaging in discussion brings a 50 percent retention rate, and teaching others results in 90 percent retention. This is a stark contrast to the 5 percent retention rate that comes through lectures alone. Thus, according to The Learning Pyramid, having discussions about money is an excellent way to grow. Have these conversation starters about money helped you to organize your thoughts? Have they sparked new interests, ignited new insights, or fanned the flame of achieving your financial goals? Now it’s time to share anyways these conversation starters about money have influenced you.
97. Will more money help your family be happier? Why or why not?
They say that money can’t buy happiness. But that’s not entirely true. One study found that as income increases, so does happiness—but only to a point. A $ 75,000-a-year salary seems to be the cutoff point. After this, the connection between income and finances diminishes drastically. Would you agree with these results, and do you think more money will lead to more happiness in your home?
98. Why is reaching your financial goals important to you, personally?
This is another financial intimacy conversation starter. So listen closely, ask good follow-up questions, and get ready to peer into your partner’s inner world?
99. What is your entrepreneurial dream?
Your financial goals may or may not include going into business for yourself. However, most people have picked up the entrepreneurial bug at some time or another. This is your opportunity to have fun, dream big, and talk about what you would build if you could!

100. How will increased finances make your love story brighter?
Money can make or break a relationship. This question is all about dreaming big together, creating a shared financial vision, and finding areas of agreement in regard to money.
101. Do you believe financial teamwork is a better predictor of success than an elaborate financial plan? Why or why not?
Similar to the classic Would You Rather questions, this conversation starter asks you your opinion about a less-than-ideal choice. Would you rather have the perfect financial plan and be at odds with your loved one or an OK plan and work as a team?
102. Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” How are you looking to God to supply your needs as you move forward in pursuing your financial goals?
Money is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible. Undoubtedly, integrating our finances and faith is important. This, and the other conversation starters about money and the Scriptures, are meant to help you accomplish this.
103. Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” What is the last gift you gave, and what was your reason for giving it?
Don’t wait! Start giving and making your life right now. Start the process now. This question aims to help you examine how you manage your finances in the stage you are at. Even if you’re not where you want to be financially yet, are you still finding ways to be a giver?

104. Would you rather spend money on experiences or things, and why?
There are no right answers here. The goal is to identify money spending differences and similarities and to gain a better understanding of one another.
105. If you had the ability to travel back in time and change one financial decision you made, what would it be, and why?
Hindsight is 20/20. And while the bad news is that you cannot change the past, the bright side is now that you know better, you can do better. So what past financial snafu would you change if you could?
106. How will you and your loved one reconnect after disagreements about money?
A significant difference between happy and unhappy couples is that happy couples reconnect quickly, while unhappy ones do not. Relationship expert John Gottman calls these small actions that reunite repair attempts. They can be as simple as a soft smile, a kind word, or a gentle touch. Having different opinions about money is healthy and normal. After all, if the two of you were exactly the same, then one of you wouldn’t be necessary. The important thing is that afterward, the two of you reconnect fast!
107. In the Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson, the author proclaims, “Simple daily disciplines—little productive actions, repeated consistently over time—add up to the difference between failure and success.” What tiny success habits have you built up in regard to your finances?
Tiny habits are powerful because their impact compounds over time. So, what tiny financial success habits do you already have in place?
108. What new financial success habits would you like to build in the future?
Simple disciplines lead to massive success. The only problem is that because these habits are easy to do, they are also easy not to do. Thus, we might say they are simple but not easy. Can you think of new money habits that would compound over time and bring you closer to your financial goals?
109. Do you plan to buy your next vehicle new or used, and why?
It’s estimated a new car depreciates in value somewhere between 20-30 percent in the first year. Is a vehicle worth buying new? That’s all a matter of perspective.
110. If someone asked to borrow money, what would you say, and why?
This hypothetical question hits close to home. You’ve probably had someone ask to borrow from you in the past, and it’s sure to happen again in the future. How do you know when to say “yes” and when to say “no”? Discussing this now can help you prepare for when you are asked in real life.
111. Do you think you’ll support your parents financially? Why or why not?
This is another hypothetical that can help you prepare for the future.
112. What financial changes would you like to see a year from now?
This one is all about goal setting and getting down to the specifics.

113. What would you like your financial situation to look like in ten years?
Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” And Bill Gates says, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” There is enormous value in planning ahead and dreaming big.
114. Now that you have your one-year goal and ten-year dream, what steps do you need to take to get from where you are now to where you want to be?
This question encourages you to use the breakdown method. How do you eat an elephant? You probably already know the answer. You’d have to eat it one bite at a time. Can you break your elephant-sized dream into bitesize pieces too?
115. To reach your one-year goal and ten-year dream, what would need to be your #1 priority?
Most big goals have a few things that move the needle the most. For example, runners run, writers write, dancers dance, and singers sing. Sure, there are hundreds of little steps that go into publishing a book. But none of those other steps matter if the writer doesn’t write. So, what is your one big domino?—a task that, if accomplished daily, will cause everything else to start falling into place?
116. What is the first step you must take to bring your one and ten-year financial visions into reality?
A Japanese proverb says, “Vision without action is a daydream,” and Eleanore Rosevelt said, “It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” The next few conversation starters about money are about assuring your vision is more than a daydream. You’ve put effort into wishing, so now, you might as well plan.
117. When and where will you take this first step?
This question builds upon the previous one and helps you dive into the specifics of your financial goals.
118. What tiny habit would help you reach your one and ten-year vision?
Tiny habits are small actions that compound over time and lead you to your goal. For example, an author who writes for ten minutes a day will put in over sixty hours of writing time by the end of the year! Is there a ten-minute habit that will take you toward your goal? As a side note, a ten-minute practice, compounded over a decade, adds up to over 608 hours of laser-focused effort. And that is significant progress!
119. Do you have a hidden account or savings your loved one doesn’t know about? If so, why?
Be careful with this one. Remember, the goal is to gain new insights and a better understanding of your partner’s inner world.
121. Do we plan on leaving any money behind when we die? If so, whom will we give it to, and what will this look like?
Provers 13:22 says, “A good person leaves an inheritance for his grandchildren.” If leaving an inheritance is part of your future plans, now is a great time to dive into this conversation.
120. Is there a will that we need to set up or revise? If there isn’t now, will there be in the future, and when?
This is a lot of questions to sort through at once. But the goal is the same. If you plan on having a will, a good place to start is by talking about it.
121. What secret fears do you have about our current financial situation?
Feelings are just that, feelings. They come, they go, and they change over time. Sometimes they are rational. Sometimes financial fears exist even though there is little evidence to support them. Feelings are not right or wrong, good or bad. They simply exist. So talk about them and gain new insights into each other’s inner worlds.
122. What excites you about our current financial situation?
If you can’t think of anything at first, try harder. There is always something to be grateful for and excited about. The trick is to find it!

123. What traveling adventures would you like to have this year?
Seneca said, “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” As you embark on your financial adventures, how will you incorporate travel and change of place into your plans? Many couples have a bucket list of exotic places they would like to explore someday. But there are often more options available than couples realize. How might the two of you begin exploring the world now, using the budget you have?
124. What kind of traveling will we do as our financial plans come to fruition?
Although money can’t buy happiness, it can increase our options. As your wealth grows, so will your opportunities to see the world. This is another conversation starter about money that is designed to help you dream big, and can serve as added motivation to reach your financial goals.
125. What types of purchases make you the happiest?
Impulse buys tempt us with a quick burst of joy, while other purchases bring a longer-lasting satisfaction. Do you know the types of purchases that make you happiest?
126. Pablo Picasso said, “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.” What are some of your budgeting habits that you plan to continue even after you are financially well off?
Is there a favorite hole-in-the-wall cafe that you’ll always frequent, even when fine dining is an option? Does shopping the sales rack give you an adrenaline burst? Do you enjoy the negations and the thrill of discovery that come with second-hand shopping? Many healthy budgeting habits also have secondary gains. What budgeting habits will you continue long after they are necessary because you actually enjoy them?
127. What budgeting habits are you most looking forward to getting back?
Maybe you’ve switched from brand-name coffee to the cheap stuff to get your debt snowball payoff rolling? Perhaps you’ve cut the cable television, are now pumping cheaper gas, or have taken on a bonus job. You and I can do just about anything for a time. So what luxuries have you given up that you can’t wait to get back?

128. How good are you at budgeting for the holidays, and is there anything in your current plans you need to change?
Don’t let holidays sneak up on you. Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving come every year. And birthdays do too. Are you a planner, or do you fly by the seat of your pants? If holidays and special occasions have snuck up on you in the past, now is a great time to have conversations about thoughtfully planning for these special days.
129. As you are becoming more intentional about planning for your financial future, what opportunities do you see for helping your kids grow?
Children learn by observing their parents. And they are always watching—and I mean always! If you’re a parent, you probably already know this. So how can you add to their learnings by proactively bringing them into the conversation? After all, the best time to teach kids about finances is while they are still under your roof.
130. How will we keep the conversations about money going?
Now that you’re nearing the end of these conversation starters about money, how will the two of you continue to connect and grow?
131. How will the two of you give just a little bit more?
Six years ago, I wrote my first conversation starter book and entitled it entitled 131 Creative Conversations for Couples. I’m often asked, “Why the number 131.” That’s simple. Most conversation starter books offered 101 questions, and I wanted to give a little bit more. The number 131 just felt right. Six years later, I can attest that going the extra mile works. So how will you give a little more in your financial plans? Will you save a tad more than you’d like? Perhaps, you’ll pay off a bit more debt each month than is comfortable? Or maybe, you’ll read more books and plan more than most people? The average couple is in debt. To be above average, you’ll have to do more than the average couple is willing to do. So how will the two of you be above average?
Why Conversation Starters About Money Matter
Conversations about money can make a huge difference. As we know, money can make or break a marriage. It’s one of the things that couples fight about the most. But talking about money also can help two hearts intertwine. This is something that Jenny and I discovered early in our bond.
My previous relationship had been a bad one. One where I heard the words, “Jed, we have money problems. Of course, we are going to fight.” This worldview about money terrified me. The idea that financial difficulties equaled arguing and fighting had me on edge.
Jenny and I were newly married, and finances were tight. Plus, being a typical guy, I had internalized the idea that finances were my responsibility. Any money challenges meant I wasn’t fulfilling my duty as the breadwinner I was supposed to be. In my mind, any financial failure indicated I was a failure.
A Powerful Money Reframe
Fortunately, Jenny has a soft heart, and I don’t hide my anxiety well. One evening Jenny said, “Honey, I know our budget is tight. But I feel like every couple goes through money challenges at some point. We’re just getting ours out of the way early.”
Wow, what a refrain. With those words, my anxiety eased, and the two of us tackled our issues around money, finances, and saving together. That’s the power of conversation! Creative conversation starters like the ones in the post and the questions in the books listed below are powerful. These questions draw out new insights. They cause us to slow down, think, reflect, connect, and refine our opinions. Nothing has the power to help two people get on the same page as much as connecting conversations.
Great Places to Dive into These Conversation Starters About Money
Where is the best place to connect? The truth is there is no wrong place to have amazing conversations. We love to connect, and here are a few of our favorite places to dive into conversation starter questions.
- During morning coffee
- Around a summer bonfire
- While walking on the beach
- While waiting for our food at a restaurant
- Walking hand-in-hand on the beach
- On-road trips
- Any time there is a lull in the conversation
These conversation starters about money are meant to help the two of you draw closer together than ever before. If the two of you are connecting deeply, gaining new insights, and having fun along the way, then you are using these conversation starters right!
Conversation Starters About Money in the Wild, or How to Talk Openly About Money Mistakes
Money Mistakes happen. They don’t have to be horrible, awful, or terrible. Instead, cash fou pas can serve as a catalyst for growth. For example, I had my $1,000 learning experience with a vanity publisher during my first publishing endeavor. I was wise enough to quietly exit before paying more. Today, I can self-publish an entire book or two for what the vanity publisher was asking just to get started.
It wasn’t a fail. It was simply the price I paid for my education on this writing adventure. Then, there was a time shortly after I bought my first condo. I was 24 years old and feeling proud. Then, a few months in, I was cleaning out a junk drawer and made a gut-wrenching discovery. In that drawer were checkbooks to two different accounts—one of which had been closed for some time. I bet you can guess which one I had paid all of that month’s bills with (including a tithe to the church). Oops!
Fortunately, I’ve gotten much better at adulting since my twenties. I share these stories because if you’ve failed with finances in the past, there is hope. Failing forward is always an option, and money mishaps can be the best teacher around. So don’t be afraid to talk openly about financial blunders. Instead, learn from them. Share your wisdom with others. I’ve noticed that many wealthy entrepreneurs made their millions, lost it all, and built it back up again. This isn’t true of all of them, but it happens more often than we realize.
Life can be a financial rollercoaster at times. Perhaps it’s best to spend as wisely as we can and decide in advance that whatever happens, we are going to enjoy the ride. And enjoying the ride is one thing that these conversation starters about money are all about!
Conversation Starter Books
If you enjoyed these conversation starters about money, finances, and saving, then you may want to check out some of my bestselling creative conversation starters’ books. These include 131 Creative Conversations for Couples / 131 Necessary Conversations Before Marriage / 131 Conversations that Engage Kids / 131 Connecting Conversations for Parents and Teens / 131 Engaging Conversations for Couples / 131 Holiday Conversations / 131 Conversations for Stepfamily Success / 131 Creative Conversation Starters for Families / The Joyfully Married Couple’s Journal: A Year of Questions to Ignite Fun Conversations and Grow Your Love.

Each book is designed to help you connect, peer into each other’s inner worlds, and grow in into-me-see!
Let’s Keep The Conversations About Money Going
I’m honored to partner with you on your ongoing financial growth journey!
How do you use creative question lists? Have these conversation starters about money, finances, and saving helped you to grow? Where’s your favorite place to go through discussion questions with your loved one? What conversation starters about money would you add to this list? Please feel free to share your stories, ideas, and money-talk adventures in the comments below.
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