Thriving Family

Building a family legacy

Building a Family Legacy that Lasts a Lifetime

Chad knows the importance of building a family legacy. What started as a personal letter to his three daughters, eventually turned into a full-fledged book. Chad’s masterpiece Listen Up Kids, is all about building a legacy that lasts a lifetime and beyond. The Family Legacy Story Initially, Chad had three major life goals. First, he

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How to find work-life-family balance

Finding Family-Work-Life Balance: Practical Tips for Busy Parents

Finding a healthy family-work-life balance isn’t easy. And it isn’t getting any easier. This is especially true in our hustle-and-bustle society. Finding our family-work-life balance means recognizing that time for family, income-generating activities, and personal self-care are all vital. Family, work priorities, and everyday life (such as self-care, leisure activities, and personal projects) are all

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