Being Gritty and Raising Gritty Kids

How to Be Gritty, Raise Gritty Kids, and Do Hard Things

Sloan Ketchum knows how to be gritty and raise gritty kids. She is the author of Beautiful Girl, You Can Do Hard Things. Sloane is also a coach, entrepreneur, and mom. 

During our Thriving at Home Summit, Jenny and I had the privilege of connecting with Sloan. The three of us dove into practical wisdom for being gritty and raising gritty kids.

  • Perhaps you are in the middle of hard times yourself… 
  • It could be that you are looking to step out of your comfort zone and do more hard things… 
  • Maybe you long to foster a spirit of grit in your kids… 

If so, then you are in the right place. In this expert interview, Sloane provides practical tips for getting hard but necessary things done. Here are some of our favorite insights Sloane shared.

Be Gritty

  • Hard things can shape us. They can get in our way. Or, we can Journey through them and be better as a result.
  • One way to be gritty and raise gritty kids is to borrow confidence from others.
  • The people who make it just keep going.

How Do We Get Gritty and Raise Gritty Kids

  • There are strategies for grit, but there is also no roadmap. Ultimately, we have to find our own way. So test these gritty ideas out and discover what works for you and for your kids.
  • It’s OK to feel all the feels. Gritty people get knocked down, push through the pain, then get up and keep going. Being gritty and raising gritty kids means learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
  • Raising gritty kids involves sharing some of our gritty stories (including ones where we get knocked down). It also means being willing to let our kids know when we are having a bad day. Gritty parents are warriors, but they also take their capes off.
  • Being Gritty involves taking imperfect action. You’ve got to commit. When your feeling stuck, it’s important to do something. If you fail forward and keep getting up, this will eventually result in a squiggly line to success.

Do Hard Things

  • Emotionalize your win. This will give you the push needed to get where you are headed.
  • We don’t celebrate ourselves enough. When you get wins, lean into those too. Help your kids lean into them too. It’s important to feel all the feels—the bad and the good!
  • Take time to emotionalize the feeling of the win every day. Tapping into these emotions is so helpful and causes momentum to build. You can do this by journaling about your ideal day and then reading and listening to this every day. As you listen to your ideal day, imagine it as if it is happening. The goal is to take these emotions from our heads to our hearts and gut.

Grit and the Ohia Lehua

  • The Ohia Lehua is the only flower that blossoms after a lava flow. It’s a symbol that out of pain can come incredible purpose—if we choose to follow that path.
  • Finally, know that you are exactly where you need to be. If you are going through hard things, you’re not alone. Keep being gritty and raising gritty kids. Press forward and trust that you will bloom.
Being Gritty and the Ohia Lehua

Diving Deeper into Being Gritty and Raising Gritty Kids

I love Sloane’s passion for pressing through adversity and doing hard things. If you’d like to dive deeper, you may want to check out the all-access pass to our Thriving at Home Summit and check out Kristen’s entire interview.

Thriving at Home Virtual Summit

For more great insights from the Thriving at Home Summit, be sure to check out the following posts:

Continuing the Conversation

Jenny and I would love to continue the conversation on being gritty and raising gritty kids.

  • What are you doing to be gritty?
  • Are you taking proactive steps to raise gritty kids? If so, what are they?
  • Which of the positive parenting skills in this post resonated the most with you?
  • What are you doing to press through hard things and be gritty yourself?
  • Which of these ideas have you already used, and which ones do you plan on putting into action soon?
  • Finally, what additional thoughts would you add to this conversation?

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Jen and I are thrilled you stopped by! Kind words and coffee fuel this blog. If you enjoyed these thoughts on how to be gritty and raise gritty kids, help us keep the great content coming. Consider partnering with us by using the buy us a coffee button to help fuel our next project. To dive even deeper, you can also check out our positive parenting, happy marriage, and personal growth resources. We honestly couldn’t do this without you!

Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at