Dear writer - Writers write when life gets busy

How to Keep Writing When Life Gets Busy!

How do you keep writing when life is busy? After writing for nearly 7 years, I thought it would be fun to share a few of the tips and tricks I learned with others. So I compiled my best writing advice and create a short book entitled, Ten Great Ideas for Authors. To add my own unique twist, I took each idea and presented it as a letter to myself. I wrote as if I could send each chapter back in time to my younger self. After all, it was information I wish I knew before I started my writing adventure.

Interestingly enough, as I shared my best writing wisdom, I found myself energized and using these writing strategies more often. In other words, not only was the advice for my younger self, it was equally as applicable as I wrote it. During our weekly discussions, my writing friend Erik and I often discussed how our writing topics were also the advice we most need to hear. As you can probably imagine by the title of this post, this week was busy. Here’s the brief letter I’d write to myself if I were my own writing coach.

Writers Write and Keep Writing

Dear writer,

Writers write, and they keep writing—even when life gets busy! I know you probably have a stereotypical picture of a writer stuck in your head. This person is holed-up in a beautiful cabin in the woods and has loads of unencumbered time to let his creativity flow. Where did this mental image come from anyway? While this may be every writer’s dream, this mental image is rarely true, and it’s most certainly not helpful for most of us.

Sure, some writers have the luxury of sneaking away to a quiet hotel room to fully focus and crank out their next manuscript. But these writers are the exception to the rule. In today’s fast-paced world, there are plenty of authors doing amazing work at their sticky dining-room table. These writers may get interrupted by their cat walking across their computer keyboard or their three-year-old pulling on their pant-leg, clamoring for their attention.

If you can’t find a quiet place to focus, congratulations, you are normal. Keep pushing forward anyway.

How to keep writing when you are stuck

Writers write. And they keep writing. Even when they feel stuck or when the conditions are less than ideal.

Did you know:

  • J.K. Rowling wrote much of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone in a pub.
  • William Faulkner wrote As I Lay Dying while working the night shift at a power plant. He took this extra job to make ends meet. In regard to his masterpiece, Faulkner says, “I set out deliberately to write a tour-de-force. Before I ever put pen to paper and set down the first word, I knew what the last word would be and almost where the last period would fall.” I can’t think of a less inspiring place to write a tour-de-force than a power plant. Yet, Faulkner made it happen! Perhaps his ability to persist during the good times and the bad is what makes his writing so great!
  • Finally, Justine, by Marquis de Sade, was written during his stint in prison. Apparently, numerous popular books were.

The bottom line is writers write. They write when the conditions are ideal and when they are at their worst. The best writers keep writing when life gets busy. So keep going. Carry your laptop in your car if you must. Write before appointments and during breaks at work.

An Honest Truth About Writing

The truth is not every masterpiece is written in a quaint cabin in the woods. In fact, the writing process itself is typically far less glamorous than most people think. So if you think you’re too busy to write, think again. Perhaps you’re exactly where you need to be.

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More Ideas for Writers

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Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

3 thoughts on “How to Keep Writing When Life Gets Busy!”

  1. Great encouragement for those days when it’s hard to make the writing happen. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for hosting. Have a great rest of your weekend!

  2. Jed, your post reminded me of the first writing class I ever took. The instructor told us to write that phrase, “Writers Write,” on a 3 x 5 car and tape it to our typewriters (revealing my age). I never forgot that. And your assessment of the writer’s life is so true. Right now I’m typing this with my great-grandson scattering my junk mail all over the floor and scooting around with his bottle and my 91-year-old mother in the next room in case she needs me. LOL

  3. I can’t belive I missed this weekends blog hop, I’m still getting back into the swing of things again. A great post, I’m still finding it hard to find the time to write at the same time I have the inkling to do it with so many distractions at home from my lovely dogs who always want my attention xxx

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