Inspire your kids to bust boredom, build creativity, and have an awesome childhood! My new book, 131 Boredom Busters and Creativity Builders for Kids, will guide you on this journey. It is packed with activities to engage your kids, inspire their imagination, and encourage increased responsibility at home. Many of the ideas are family favorites–so we know they work. Warning: reading though this list, is highly likely to bring back happy memories and childhood nostalgia 🙂
Why I Wrote a Book of Creativity Builders
Over the past five years, our family has been on a journey of finding balance. There were seasons where our kids were overly-scheduled and hyper-entertained. Our family rushed from one activity to the next. One one hand, our children enjoyed the sports, friends, and structured activities. On the other hand, they had difficulty sitting still. They also never new quite what to do with themselves when the structured activities ceased.
Then, there were other seasons filled with far more movies, television and electronics than I care to admit. Usually, these were for brief periods, often preceded or follow the arrival of a new sibling. Today, Jenny and I have settled into a far more balanced approach. Our girls participate in some activities, enjoy limited electronics, have lots of friendships, and there are plenty of happy memories. I can honestly say that finding this balance was well worth the journey it took to arrive at this place!
If you and your family are on your own boredom busting and creativity building journey, then you may want to check out this book. Not only do I share our family’s story, but you will find an abundance of ideas for engaging your kids–Ideas that can be done alone, with siblings, or together as a family.
If you act quick, you can get your copy for free (October 1-3) to celebrate this book’s launch! Download your copy here: 131 Boredom Busters and Creativity Builders for Kids
Preview and Spread the Creativity
Of course, I would love it if you would help me spread the word too. Hover over any image to share on Twitter, Facebook, or on Pinterest 🙂

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I had a blast writing this book, and I hope you enjoy reading it. In fact, just for fun, I put together a quick video to share a little more about our family’s journey, in person!
What were some of your favorite childhood activities? Where are you and your family at, on this journey of finding balance? Are you overly scheduled, hyper-entertained, well-balanced, or somewhere in-between? I look forward to hearing from you in the comments below. Wishing you and your family and incredible week of boredom busting and creativity building!