Jed Jurchenko

Jed Jurchenko is the husband to an incredible wife, daddy to four amazing girls, and a foster dad to one more. He's served as a children's pastor, marriage and family therapist, psychology professor, award-winning writing coach, and life coach. Jed is the author of 23 books on relationships, parenting, writing, and doing life well. In his free time, you'll find Jed reading, preparing for an upcoming marathon, barbecuing, paddle boarding, and enjoying life with his incredible family. Find out more about Jed's books, coaching, and courses at

Church, faith that sticks, sticky faith

Dear Church, Will You Help My Children Discover a Love For Jesus That Sticks?

[fancy_box id=6] Hey guys! Today is a deviation from my usual Friday posts on what I am learning about the writing process. I’m excited to share with you an article I recently wrote for Gateway Church. It’s all about the connection between children, the church, and a faith that sticks! I’m also stoked to tell […]

Dear Church, Will You Help My Children Discover a Love For Jesus That Sticks? Read More »

goals, Goals, goal, blogging, bloggers, link-up, linkey

Goals, Detours, Shark-bites, and Learning to Trust the Process

The quickest way between two points is a straight line. This is why traveling by airplane is so much quicker than driving. Planes aren’t hindered by windy roads, stop-lights, or traffic-jams. In my mind, the journey to achieving my goals should progress in a smooth, straight line, much like a non-stop flight. This year, however, I am reminded

Goals, Detours, Shark-bites, and Learning to Trust the Process Read More »

Coffee Shop Conversations

Coffee Shop Conversations: Psychology and the Bible–Share Page

What do you get when you combine the Bible, with psychology, and great coffee? Coffee Shop Conversations: Psychology and the Bible, is a highly-caffeinated book for Christ-followers that will help you live, love, and lead well! Solving The Love Problem Loving others is easy when people act nice and life is smooth. When life gets

Coffee Shop Conversations: Psychology and the Bible–Share Page Read More »