Thank you for stopping by our self-care infographic share page! We know a lot of families are hurting and stressed. My wife, Jenny, and I long to be a part of the solution. Would you help us spread this message of healing and hope? We hope these infographics are helpful to you and your tribe, and we did our best to make them easy to share:)

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<a href=""><img style="width:100%;" src=""></a><br>Created by <a href=""></a>
To share one of our self-care infographics on your amazing website, simply copy the html. code in the box below the image. Then, past it in any html. box on your site.
To resize the image in Word Press, use the “columns” feature under “layout elements” (Insert-Layout Elements-Columns).
It really is that easy!
Thank you for sharing our Self-Care infographics on your amazing website. Jenny and I truly believe that self-care matters and appreciate your help in spreading the word!
Self-Care Roadmap

Created by iThrive320
<a href=""><img style="width:100%;" src=""></a><br>Created by <a href="">iThrive320</a>
Thank you for helping us share this message of healing and hope through self-care. If you share one of these graphics, we’d love to give you a shout-out on our social media channels. Simple email your amazing post to, and we’ll share it on our social media channels. We’d love to help spread the word about your amazing content too!
Sincerely, Jed Jurchenko